Hello beautiful!
I’m Shae 🖤
You’re new favorite social media friend turned to real life friend I hope! 😉 I crave connection in the deepest form and I’ll always keep it real, raw, and vulnerable.
I’m an ER nurse of 7 years and a new postpartum mama. I am on a mission to inspire, encourage, and support women like YOU on the daily! I once placed my health and wellness on the back burner, but over the past 2 1/2 years I’ve learned how to make it a priority. I’ve shifted my focus from obsessing about the “before and after” photo to obsessing about the long term effects of wellness in my life!
I hope to reach women from ALL backgrounds, in all phases of life — no one is excluded! Be your own advocate. Either join my bootcamp or join my bootcamp while you lead and inspire with me! Links below — let’s connect! Can’t wait to hear from you so soon!