What exactly is the IsaLife?
It is a simple and maintainable solutions to look better, feel better, eat better, and move better. It’s not the only way to live a healthy life, but in our busy, toxin-filled world, it’s an easier and more convenient option. Our system of Shake and Cleanse Days is backed by science and designed to help you reach a multitude of overall wellness goals. It’s no restrictive dieting and no deprivations of the things you enjoy in life!
What Does a Shake Day Look Like?
Overall, it looks like a life of balance. But you’re probably looking for more details than that, right? Aha OK, OK. On Shake Days, you combine 2 IsaLean Shakes with 2 small snacks and a 400 – 600 calorie meal. This allows you to get maximum nutrition in your shakes with minimal calories so you can still enjoy the foods you love! There’s no such thing as deprivation here!
What Makes These Shakes so Great?
SO many things! First off, they taste AMAZING, and you’d never know there’s a whole variety of organic veggies inside. Second, they’re super convenient – seriously, shake it up in a minute flat, and you’ll have a perfectly healthy meal. Third, the ingredients: clean and responsible protein, diverse vitamins, good fats, and no artificial flavors, colors, or sweeteners. Satisfy cravings, help boost your metabolism, build lean muscle, and increase energy.
But do I Still Get to Eat Real Food?
Of course you do! Like I said, there’s no deprivation in this lifestyle because diets aren’t maintainable. We pack the nutrients in your shakes so you can have the flexibility elsewhere. You can choose to eat a couple of “real food” snacks throughout your day and enjoy a variety of nutritious whole food options for your third meals. We also have TONS of suggested recipes that help you with your goals!
What do You Mean by a Cleanse Day?
Cleanse Days are essential for revitalizing your body and repairing damage done in our daily lives. Cleanse for Life helps your body cleanse on a cellular level by removing toxins and impurities by nourishing it with herbs, antioxidant botanicals, and nutrients. This process boosts your immune system and energy levels while encouraging weight loss by increasing your metabolism.
Do I Have to Cleanse to Get Results?
No, but Cleanse Days have been scientifically proven to help you get results faster. I understand that intermittent fasting isn’t for everyone and it can sound intimidating, so we can adapt yo your goals! You’ll have benefits whether you choose 1 or 2 Cleanse Days per week, or decide to do just faily cleansing. There are several schedules to choose from, and our Cleanse Day-approved snacks options make it easier than you’d think!
What Products should I start with?
That depends entirely upon your specific goals and what you’re looking to achieve! We have product lines geared toward weight loss, performance, healthy aging, energy, personal care, immune health, and more! We can chat about what you’re looking for and I can recommend something to fit your personal goals. Or I can send you info on our most popular pack options!
Do I Have to Sell This Like You do?
No, of course not! We do believe in sharing things you love, but you never have to tell a soul that you’re using the products if you don’t want to. You also never have to promote or sell anything. You can order your products as a Customer, and should you ever decide to earn referral bonuses, you can switch your account over to an Isagenix Independent Associate and start participating in out amazing Isagenix Team Compensation Plan. The choice is totally all yours!
Ok, I’m in. Now How do I Order?
It’s super simple! All you need to do is message me so that we can discuss your wellness goals. From there, I can recommend a pack of products that best suits your needs. OR you can follow the link below straight to my page to see all of the products before we discuss! You’ll be on your path to better in no time and I can’t wait to help you every step of the way!