Get To Know Me

Hey you!
I’m Sherry, a girl mama residing on an island in the Pacific. My journey in motherhood began earlier than expected, but life is full of surprises. My faith in God gives me strength, staying active keeps me sane and well, motherhood just continues to test me. Becoming a teenage mom changed my life in a number of ways, more good than bad.

My passion to inspire and make a difference, if not in the world than in a person’s life, was fueled even more shortafter giving birth to my first daughter. We all have our reason to do good and be better- My daughters are mine. I have learned to never give up and to continue pushing even through the darkest days because of them. My otherhalf deserves a special shoutout for being so patient and handling life with three girls. A strong support system is EVERYTHING. We didn’t know what life was going to be like and didn’t picture it to be like this.

“Trust in the LORD with all thine heart; and lean not unto thine own understanding. In all thy ways acknowledge him, and he shall direct thy paths." Proverbs 3:5-6 This verse is one I leaned on through some intense times of my life and still continue to find comfort in.

We don’t know what hardships others are facing so let’s practice kindness. Although I created this blog for fun and as a creative outlet to free my mind, I also want to use it to share our experiences and lifestyle. If you’ve read this far, THANK YOU. If what I share inspires you, please know that makes my heart so incredibly full.