It's a question we've all asked at one time or another. Isn't it?!? I'm certain the neighbours wondered. 😂 Anyway, it started with a stim that felt (and still feels) oh-so-satisfying: Throwing things.
That satisfying sensory input has led to a wide range of objects being flung in the air over the years. We have tested the effects of mass and gravity with panda stuffies, backpacks, toy cars and, of course, shoes.
The shoes - and one hot pink boot - ended up on the roof in the spring of 2019.
For a (then) 6 y.o. with an autistic brain, the sensation of a weighted object leaving Mr. C's hand overrode all other objectives. There was nothing quite as fun as sending a shoe flying with a long, underhanded lob. And whether they reached their intended destination or not may never be known. Fun was had and shoes were stuck, too high to be reached, and left at the mercy of the wind and the weather.
We decided to roll with it. That's what we tend to do. If we have learned anything about Autism and creativity over the past 4+ years, it's that, we all express our interests in unique ways. Unique, not less than. An important distinction.
Spring Break 2019 - with shoes taking center, uh, roof - we hosted a Spring Break Art Break on our deck. Visiting artists includes three bff's (two by birth and one by choice). There were original paintings on display, interpretive dance numbers, a hula hoop circus show, even a bike riding demonstration (the bikes were actually horses. Of course). Children will amaze you when you give them space to explore the unlimited potential of their own imagination and interests.
SHOESONTHEROOF.CA exists to share some of the creative projects our family has enjoyed making. It is our hope to infuse a little joy and light into our teensy corner of the universe. We invite you to join us as the young and young-at-heart bring their imaginations to life on Insta and through our blog. Keep your eyes open. You never know when inspiration might come flying at you just like a shoe headed for the atmosphere.