Salam & Hello!
I am Lixin and you can also call me Jannah!
A little bit about myself...
I am a chinese revert since 2016 and a full-time working mom to three young & beautiful children. Alhamdulilah.
In late 2019, things were getting tough for me when i had to manage two kids under 2, breastfeed and work. Everyone rendered their help but i was just feeling tired all the time, losing my cool at the smallest things and definitely not in a good mental space. Some nights i would cry, cry while i pump or blame myself when my milk supply was not keeping up due to the lack of sleep. At work i would take every opportunity to nap during lunch and often found myself rushing through my food. Work efficacy dropped and i didn’t enjoy having to redo a simple task over and over again.
I needed to feel like ‘ME’ again, to be the best mom i can be to my children and be a responsible employee. Then I found ketones! It has been my trusty #momsfuel since Nov 2019!
Ketones allowed me to participate more with my kids, spend more time with my husband after putting the kids to bed, go for suppers together like we used to, and could finish more tasks in a shorter time span!
If you would like to feel YOU again, or maybe an upgraded version of YOU, check out the link below for an experience pack!