Nutrition & fitness coach Software Engineer Motivational Speaker
Skeptical mind reaches nowhere.You won't make any difference by being the same.
I used to be a software engineer for several years but I was always very ambitious and wanted to build something of my own, imagining myself having my own business designing my own future and running it with my whole heart.I took risks some worked some not but I learnt so many things from my past.
Today my life looks completely different. I took the decesion to create a life that I can be proud of and become the best version of myself.I'm having my own business, pouring my love and energy in to it,working from home which is absolutely a luxury for me as I have a 3 year todd to look after,treating myself with kindness and feeling content & blessed.
My mission is to help as many people as possible to transform their live towards better. 💞
Reminder: Surround yourself with people who empowers you. 🌌
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