a b o u t m e


Hello, I’m softstheticss. I am a 13 year old girl and i live in the Netherlands.

I started this page because this is my hobby, i like to post things that can inspire people! I’m quite young but i already had some experience with other accounts like fanaccounts. At softstheticss I’m gonna post things like routines, tips and more.

Please make sure to follow me on Instagram and maybe Pinterest. My DM’s are always open, so if you have any requests just ask!

The best and most beautiful things in the world cannot be seen or even touched they must be felt with the heart.


okay so here are some apps that i recommend :)

Here are the apps, games and productive things. This is NOT sponsor it’s just because i like to post this on my website and i also post this for you guys. So i hope you guys enjoy this! 🥺

I think next time I’m gonna try aesthetic apps...

m i l k s h a k e

Okay, so with Milkshake you can like make your own cute little website and it’s so adorable. Also very productive! Love it so much :))

s o u n d c l o u d

SoundCloud is such a good app! You can get edit audios, other audios and also just regular songs. I usually get my edit audios from there because you have very much choice.

# s e l f c a r e

It’s a SUPER relaxing game ish thing. You see yourself laying in bed (not really yourself but a character) and there are some quotes and very relaxing music. Just download it lol

a l o e b u d

It’s a 90s selfcare app, well it looks like a 90s app. You can keep up your routines and when you have to do what, there is also a self reflection part where you can just write things down :) i like the app!

p i n t e r e s t

I guess everyone knows the Pinterest app. It’s such a inspiring app i just had to add it to my list! You can pin pictures or videos that you like and save them in cute folders.

p r e q u e l

I like this one. Especially when it comes to put a filter on my video edits. It’s really handy and you have super cute filters! I use it a lot!

e p i s o d e

This is legit my favorite game. I LOVE the story’s and they are so realistic! Some people don’t like it because you have to pay for diamonds to get the better options but i have a trick so you don’t have to do that! It’s not illegal relax darling.

p r o c r e a t e

Okay so this is a game, well a creative game. But you have to pay for it. It costs $10 I’m not sure but something like that. I think it’s worth it, i bought it but i really love to draw so it was my choice. You can also buy Procreate Pocket, that’s $5 or something but idk for sure :)

o v e r

I use this app for thumbnails, mostly on YouTube tho. But it’s kinda handy and cute. That’s it :) I like it!

z i n n i a

Aaahh I’m in love with this app!!! It’s an online bullet journal and you have so much choice! You can choose any type of bulletjournal and also customize the frontpage and the inside with all kind of cute, adorable stickers!! I just love this so much

m y f l i x e r

This isn’t really a app, but a website. You can watch álmost every movie/serie whatever on it. I LOVE IT. Although I usually use Netflix, but ya know some things aren’t on Netflix and you can watch it there. Idkbu but if I want to watch something there are only subtitles in English so yea but I don’t mind though but maybe I thought you should know

s i m s f r e e p l a y

Sims Freeplay is so good! I am already at level 29 (sorry guys but i used a hack so that I have unlimited money :)) well anywaaaaaysss. It’s super cute and one of my favorite games!

s a n d b o x

I know that this game is not popular anymore lmaoo. But I still love it. It is super relaxing and very satisfying tho :)) but you should download it