Here are all of the steps for my colouring tut!!
Read through all of the steps carefully
Ultra light:
- go into the app ultra light
- There should be a button which says ‘Clarify’ and put it up all the way to +10
- Then go to sharpen and put it all the way down to -10
-Now you need to click the symbol to the left hand side of the triangle (it should look like to joint circles)
- Then when you see all the different colour circles lined up you will need to swipe the red one up so that the number is +5
- Now you will want to export the video so you will need to press the big button the says ‘save’ then once you have pressed that button you will need to press the top button
- for this you will need to go up onto the QR code and you will want to take a screen shot of it then go into the app and press ‘import’ then import the video that you had just edited in ultralight
- after you have done that you will have to press the symbol that looks like the filter button on TikTok
- once you have done that you will need to press the mini plus sign in the top right corner and press the button that says something like ‘export polar QR filter’
- Then go into your camera roll and press on the QR code that you should have taken a screen shot of earlier
- now the filter that you will want to press on should come up as ‘Momoi’
- Now you will want to press Save and share. You will want to swipe the button which says 24FPS watermark so that it’s grey then export it
That’s all the steps for the colouring tut
Go onto the next slides if you want to see what the fonts are called to download them for the fonts