Season Of Hyper Growth
This is a season like no other! A season of expansion and acceleration.
Welcome to Season Of Hyper Growth!
SOHG is a 120-day program. During this season, we are going to engage ourselves with the best practices of the industry and in the timeless discipline of learning, equipping and building.
A Call for Hyper Growth
The second slogan of Season Of Hyper Growth- LEARN MORE!
Our business will only grow to the extent that we do! Therefore, if we want our business to experience real and extraordinary growth, it has to start from its business owner- YOU.
So during this season, we will also engage ourselves in the timeless disciple of self-development. We wil allot 15-30 minutes everyday for self development activities like reading, listening to podcast and watching videocast.
Watch Mentors John Joseph Español and Michael “MJ” Socratous’ Invitation To Learn More
Recommended Events And Resources
Choose to feed your mind everyday with these recommended self-development activities.
ENGAGE your self everyday for 15-30 minutes of self development activities like reading our commended books/ebooks, listening to our recommended podcast or watching our recommended video cast.
Podcast Listening
ENGAGE your self everyday for 15-30 minutes of self development activities like reading our commended books/ebooks, listening to our recommended podcast or watching our recommended video cast.
Videocast Watching
ENGAGE your self everyday for 15-30 minutes of self development activities like reading our commended books/ebooks, listening to our recommended podcast or watching our recommended video cast.
Swipe to the next page for our recommended videocast
Learn More
Choose and feed your mind by watching our recommended videocasts.
Rich Roll Videocast: How to Build Awesome Habits with James Clear
Jocko Podcast: The Importance Of Having Thick Skin
Jocko Podcast: Being Agressive Overcomes Fear
Jocko Podcast: How To Deal With Negative People
Peejay Antiporda: Toxic People
Anthony Pangilinan: Finish Strong
The second slogan of Season Of Hyper Growth- EQUIP MORE!
This slogan encourages us to equip ourselves with skill sets of a professionals network builder. It starts from the six basic skiils. These are:
- Product Knowldedge
- Name List
- Prospecting Or Meeting New People
- Inviting
- Following Up
- Conducting Home/Zoom Parties
By doing so, we bring ourselves closer to earning our first million. The next ones are almost inevitable.
Watch Mentors Gab & Eds Invitation To Equip More
Hone your business and network-building skills with these resources- from PDFs to videos.
Hone your business and network-building skills with these resources- from PDFs to videos.
Product Knowledge: Nutraceuticals
Product Knowledge: Daily C
Product Knowledge: Bath & Body Products
Product Knowledge: Health Beverages
SBO: Why Santè
SBO: How To Overcome Fear
SBO: The ABC’s To Success
SBO: How To Start Your Santè Business
Recommended Events
Home your business and network-building skills with these empowering events!
System Wednesday
EQUIP your self with the basic and advance skill sets and with EF1 Way of doing the business by attending our System Wednesday.
Every Wednesday, we got you covered from SBO to Coaching Day to EF1 Orientation.
Master Class
Have an in depth understanding of your business- its industry, how it works, how to build it the way you can maximize the gain, the person you should be to succeed and all other issues pertaining to it- through this Masterclass Series
The third slogan of Season Of Hyper Growth- BUILD MORE!
Our time is calling us to take our business to the next level. EXPAND AND ACCELERATE!
Let us expand our business to all corners of the earth and accelerate our way to the top of the compensation plan and increase our result. This is not the time to slowdown and to settle for mediocrity. It is the time for HYPER GROWTH!
And we achieve this by engaging ourselves in rain maker activities like selling and sponsoring and by protecting our gains by building depth.
Watch Mentors Jun & Shan’s Invitation To Build More
Build your customer base, build wide and deep using these network-building resources
SO Rich Video Invitation
Invite using this 3 Secrets Of the Rich video. Click the link below and start sharing to your prospects’ Messenger.
Share this HomePreneur video to your prospects who might be interested in putting up a Home Biz. Click the link below and start sending to your prospects’ messenger
Build your customer base, build wide and deep using these network-building resources
Recommended Events
Build your customer base, build wide and deep by inviting to these rain maker events!
CATCH our HomePreneur moms- Mommies Shan, Alma and Rhona- together with other HomePreneurs, for their weekly HomePreneur Business Presentations.
Build your Santè Home Business by inviting your HomePreneur-wannabe prospects.
Stallion 777 Extreme Presentations
Stallion 777 Business Owners, are you ready to bring your Santè Business to the extreme level?!
JOIN the Stallion mentors for a series of Extreme Presentation. Bring your guests. Let them feel the energy beyond ordinary! Guaranteed, energy pa lang sasali na sila!
Global SBP
BRING your business to the global stage! Build an organization of multiple colors and races! Earn dollars from multiple countries and realize the true potential of your Santè Business!
JOIN our top international leaders- Me tors John Joseph Español and Mixalis Socratous for a pure English Santè Business Presentation.
Zoom Assembly
JOIN the rest of Santè community for an empowering business presentation featuring the Santè’s finest!
ABC Monday
ABC is one of the best practices in the industry!
Here’s how it works!
A stands for advisor (the Coaches and Mentors)
B stands for bridge (that is YOU)
C stands for client or customer (your prospect)
Before or after a presentation, take time to bridge your prospect to your coaches and mentors. Let your former hear the testimonies and tips of the latter. Always remember, it’s the stories that sell 😉.
Because we want to keep this nest practice Alice even online, there will be coaches and mentors on stand by in their messenger room every Monday, from 2pm-9pm. Ready to give advise to your clients and customers. Just click their Messenger Room link posted in the Season Of Hyper Growth FB Group during their time slot and start chatting with them.