電子音楽家・エンジニア。2001年からアンビエント・ブレイクス・エレクトロニカ・IDM・テクノの楽曲を制作。本名名義の他、様々なジャンルを昇華させ音楽性を開拓するためのプロジェクトとしてPARALLEL SEXTETの名義でも活動し、ハードウェアを用いたライブパフォーマンスの他、DJにおいては自身で制作したマテリアルを織り交ぜながらプレイする。
東京都内で音楽制作スタジオ『SONIC TEST』を運営。作品の意図を汲みながら柔軟に要望に応える緻密なサウンドプロダクションに定評がある。
これらの業務の他、SONIC TESTでは楽曲制作の本質を最短で体得してもらうためのパーソナライズされた予約制レッスンを行い、数多くの楽曲制作者を輩出する。
また、紙で出来たスピーカー『OTOKAMI』を制作し、ZINE『音紙日記』を発行。音と紙のメディアとしての可能性を開拓しOTOKAMI PRODUCERS(オトカミ・プロデューサーズ)の名義でワークショップ・インスタレーションを展開。
I am a producer and audio engineer. Since 2001, I have been producing music in various genres such as ambient, breaks, electronica, IDM, and techno. In addition to my real name, I also work under the name PARALLEL SEXTET as a project to explore and develop my musical style by blending and transcending different genres. In live performances, I incorporate hardware and DJ using my own produced materials.
I operate the music studio "SONIC TEST" in Tokyo. I have a reputation for meticulous sound production that responds flexibly to client requests while understanding the intention of the works.
Services offered at SONIC TEST include:
- Music composition
- Arrangement
- Recording
- Mixing
- Mastering
- Sound design for visuals
- Game sound design
- Public address operation
In addition to these tasks, at SONIC TEST, I conduct personalized, reservation-based lessons aimed at helping individuals quickly grasp the essence of music production. Many music creators have been nurtured through these lessons.
I also explore the physics of sound as an audiophile, creating and selling custom cables, building speakers, repairing and customizing equipment, and adjusting room acoustics. I strive to solve technical problems faced by music spaces and musicians.
Furthermore, I have created paper speakers called 'OTOKAMI' and publish a ZINE called 'Otokami Diary'. Under the name OTOKAMI PRODUCERS, I explore the potential of combining sound and paper as mediums and conduct workshops and installations.