Optimize your Leadership Potential + Passionately Pursue Purpose

Leadership Development Specialist + Emotional Momentum Coach

Hello! I’m Sonja Garcia and I am a certified Executive Lead-Coach.

I am passionate about helping people live happy, whole and fulfilled lives by living out their purpose and overcoming the obstacles that are stopping them from doing so.

We have ONE life and I believe that we should spend it doing what we love and doing what we have always dreamed of doing.

You CAN start a business. You CAN start a blog. You CAN launch an NPO. Whatever dream that’s been put inside you, let me help you make it a reality. Now is the time to do what you have always felt purposed to do! I am here to help you along the way and get you started.

If you already are in a leadership position, manage a team, or run an organization, I am here to use the experience that I have gained in leadership over the years to help you lead your team. I will use my key insights to help you create a healthy and flourishing team as well as to help you strengthen your leadership skills in order to ensure that you and your team are able to maximize your potential and continue to fulfill your mission and vision. Leadership + Healthy relationships are key to having a healthy environment and flourishing culture, which will ultimately lead to greater results & more success. As you and your team are able to get more results you are not only going to benefit from the success that this will bring but will also be able to impact the world around you in a greater way by impacting more lives!

My experience: I have almost a decade of experience with working in leadership positions in the NPO sector, launching and leading NPO’s, working with start-up teams, as well as Business-ownership and operations. I have a degree in Communications + NPO management as well as an Executive Leadership Coaching certification with CT9. Lastly, I have been a missionary, church-planter, and a licensed Ministry Leader for 9 years now which has given me experience with people, team-leadership, team-management, relationships, coaching, counseling, and organizational leadership.

I have invested thousands of hours + thousands of dollars in coaching, mentorships, and trainings and now I want to use what I have gained to help YOU!

As you optimize YOUR leadership skills + leadership potential, the opportunities to bring more change to the world around you, impact more lives, live a fuller life, and become more successful at whatever it is that you are doing are endless!

Let’s make the world a better place together and let’s get you living the life you have always dreamed of!