What can SPARK do for you?

Simplify your Space ~ Simplify your Life

Is 'Get Organized' on Your "To Do" list?

Just the thought of organizing can be stressful and overwhelming when it comes to dealing with the upkeep of ones home and the everyday life challenges.

SPARK is passionate about understanding your needs and goals. An in- person consult provides an opportunity for you to share what works, and what the challenges are. The ultimate goal is different for everyone, but centered on transforming your home through the process of SPARK... Sort, Purify, Action, Rearrange, Keep... to create space, so that it brings you peace and SPARKs joy!

🌟 Declutter to Organize-Embrace Space
🌟 Establish Functional Solutions for you
🌟 Assist with downsize, packing, moving
🌟 Re-Organizing or Revamp a space
🌟 Unique projects shifting with seasons

What else can SPARK help with?
🌟 Refresh-n-Reset
aka "Cleaning/home mgt" - Laundry, dishes, dust, mop, vacuum, etc SPARK believes in providing a holistic approach, and after all, cleaning goes hand-in-hand with organizing!

🌟 Life Skills / Community Connections
-Shopping- grocery / personal shopping
-Transportation- to/from Dr appts

🌟 Not sure? Just ask!

🌟 Save time, get started, Simplify Space
🌟 Save $$ - find lost items, Reduce Stress
🌟 Peace of mind... Relax!

Where is the Kitchen Table??

After: A Kitchen Table that SPARKS Joy!

Here it is! "I'm in shock at how great the table area looks!! Wow!!! Are you sure you don't use some form of magic?? Wow and wow and wow!! Amazing!! This is more than a spark!! Its a miracle!!" ~JP

About Me

Hi there! I'm Patti, a Professional Home Organizer and Life Skills Advocate. I am the owner/founder of SPARK Organizing Solutions, LLC

I also fill the roles of being a Wife, Mom, and an Occupational Therapist. I grew up on a family dairy farm, and am the oldest of 7 children, Through this path in life, I developed a strong work ethic, and naturally became a leader to keep things organized. In my spare time outside of farmwork, I have fond memories of sorting and matching socks... and over time this shifted to finding ways to maximize space as my siblings grew up. Fast forward to now, where my husband and I have been blessed with 4 children. As the kiddos continue to grow up, they begin new chapters in life...

I believe that each decade of life fosters a need to revamp our space as our priorities shift and what we treasure and value may change. I believe that our life experiences and connections we make with others along the way are stepping stones to propel one forward. I've been an OT for 20 years. The last 4 years, I have worked in the home health setting and this is where I have seen the need, and passion to help others with their organizing and various needs- to tackle what is on the "To Do" list!

I am honored to be a member of:
🌟The HBBA Founders Group
🇺🇲Houses of Honor
✅Accredited by the Better Business Bureau

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The process of SPARK

Organizing a space also evolves with emotions and decisions- I am here to guide you through the process, with respect and no judgement.

The first step is to set up a free consult. This allows me to get to know you better, identify what you like about your home/space, what your goals are and what you envision your space to be. A tour of your home/space as you allow, provides opportunity to assess the space, learn what works and what the challenges are. Then, priorities will be identified and an action plan developed.

I will also provide you a form for your review that goes over Terms of Agreement and discuss rates/packages.


Serving Green Bay, WI and the surrounding area within a one - hour radius

A One-Hour Consult is always FREE - to identify areas of priority and to better determine if SPARK can meet your needs.

You can take Action...
with an initial phone call (920) 265-7426

or reach out by email: patti@sparkorganizingsolutions.com

Packages are offered based upon the need/size of the project, the estimated timeframe, and the pace at which you want to work. This can be customized and can vary within a 2-6 hour timeframe. MOST sessions are 3 hours

🌟 Simply SPARK - 5 hours (1-2 sessions).
This is a starter package. If you are looking for assistance with some small tasks, light cleaning, tidy up and 'reset' your space...

🌟 SPARK- 6 hours

🌟 Bronze - 9 hours
🌟 Silver - 12 hours
🌟 Gold - 15 hours

SPARK is designed to help you stay on top of organizing your space/projects. SPARK understands that life gets busy and you may prefer to have a professional visit on a regular basis, whether monthly or seasonally. This provides a way to keep things looking great in your home and/or various rooms as your needs, and space changes as life moves forward.

🌟Take NOTE:
Session Pricing does not guarantee job will be done in the specific amount of time. They are just suggestions to guide you in the decision of the package that is most suited to your project/timeframe.

Contract must be signed and payment must be agreed upon.

Cancellation and Privacy Policy will be provided with Client Contract

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Before- Overwhelmed... Not sure where to start.

We removed EVERYTHING from this room to visually see the space, and transform to a fresh start.

After- Items that are meaningful, treasured and valued... items worth holding onto

A room that serves a purpose and SPARKs Joy!


You took me out of overwhelm..and I'm very thankful for that... Love that you understand that this is a process for "M" to go from camping/survival mode to enjoying living and being creative in her home !!! Thanks so so so so much!! Janine

"I look forward to our sessions together because we're making SO much progress, that I want to keep going!" ~ MV —

"You are easy you are to work with...and your happiness makes it a JOY to work with you!!" ~ MV

External link

BEFORE: Sleeves rolled up!

Diving in to take ACTION!

External link

"What a Blessing your Expertise is!" ~ J

AFTER ~ 2.5 hours!

you have made this whole process more and more fun for Mary and that is part of your magic!! (And prayers)

"My messes just mean confusion (never knowing where things are and wheeling over crap on the floor and feeling overwhelmed by disorganized and unreachable stuff)"

"I really do appreciate you! So glad that after our session I had a cleared floor and a desktop where I actually could see what I had and some food containers I was AWARE of!" ~ CJ