What do you have to lose?
Hi love, my name is Stephanie! Thank you so much for connecting with me, I’m so excited that you’re here 🌷
•I am here to help you grow an income from the comfort of your own bed and also help you out with some healthy, vegan products that you’ll love!
I’m from Ecuador and I moved to the US by myself to pursue my dream career and begin my financial independence! However, I worked 2-3 jobs the past two years and I wanted a change. I wasn’t valued for my work, my back problems got worse and I dreaded going to work everyday (ps: I still do sometimes ha I’m working on my mindset) I wanted a job that I genuinely was interested in and that I could use to really help others. So here I am, ready to...
1. Help other women
2. Become part of a really loving community
3. Become financially stable (someone has to pay those student loans right?)
4. Help my family <3
5. Lastly, truly be interested in what I do
Come join me on this journey! I’ll help you! You won’t regret it! 🕊