I am a dunkinator!
There is not much for me to say but I will be posting as much as I can on here and on social media on theme next few cards I will have 24FPS codes,colorings,themes,etc please give credit if you use any of the things I post
There is not much for me to say but I will be posting as much as I can on here and on social media on theme next few cards I will have 24FPS codes,colorings,themes,etc please give credit if you use any of the things I post
To get followers you can search “gain trains” and follow their steps! ( be carful because you can get shadow banned if you do it to often) I would only do this if I really needed to and by that I mean about to hit a bit number or things to at end with 0 (example:100)
To get actives ask people to do active for active give them and active and they give you an active back:)you can make videos requiring you to copy link! Make sure to tell me you don’t have to!
Click on the link (it’s safe) and it will say look in the comments for tons of extra tips or helpful things :))))))