Hey Friends!
I'm so glad you are here ☺️
My name is Teresa and I'm using this platform as a life journal, which I'm so happy to be sharing with you❤️
I don't know about you, but so many times in life I have wanted an outlet to express myself while sharing tid bits of what is going around us.
Sharing to me is key to finding new things that can be LIFE CHANGING, as well as to learn about what tools others use that can ultimately help my journey as well.
I'm so greatful to many of you that have shared, and opened my eyes to so many cool things out there!
Right now I'm at a stage where running after my dreams and aspirations is what I'm striving to achieve, to create the lifestyle I want, that once upon a time, conformity of life stopped me in my tracks.
WHY AM I DOING THIS? Simple... My children.
I want them to see that life is about making dreams come true, who else but me to show them that with hard work you can achieve anything you set your mind to do!
Follow me in this crazy journey called life, I don't promise it will always be rainbows and sunshine, but what I do know, is that I will always keep going!
I want us to live our best life, feel fantastic and I'm here to do it together, because we only have one life, let's make it incredible. Why not utilize the tools available to us, to get there, to achieve greatness, we have nothing to lose and all to gain.
So let's do this together, I'm ready, are you?