
One of the best things about rugby is that there's a place for everyone.

World Rugby is considering changing that through a policy that would ban trans women. They’re collecting feedback until August 31st and then voting on a revised policy in November, so now is the time to act and make our voices heard.

Do as many action items as you can, and share so that others can also join with you. Check back here as we will continue to add actions.

#TackleTransphobia #LetUsPlay #RugbyForAll #RugbyParaTodes


Una de las mejores cosas del rugby es que hay un lugar para todos.

World Rugby está considerando cambiar eso a través de una política que prohibiría a las mujeres trans. Están recopilando comentarios hasta el 31 de agosto y luego votan sobre una política revisada en noviembre, por lo que ahora es el momento de actuar y hacer oír nuestras voces.

Realice todos los elementos de acción que pueda y compártalos para que otros también puedan unirse a usted. Vuelva a consultar aquí, ya que continuaremos agregando acciones.

#TackleTransphobia #LetUsPlay #RugbyForAll #RugbyParaTodes

Action Item #1

Tell World Rugby to reconsider its recommendation and remain aligned with IOC guidelines on the inclusion of transgender athletes; support an evidence-based investigation into injury risk from trans women inclusion; open a meaningful dialogue with transgender rugby players around the world; and keep rugby open to all as it was intended to be, including trans women.

Sign the WR Petition

Action Item #2

The All Blues Women’s Rugby Team have created the Grant for Trans Athlete Testimonials (GTAT). They are distributing $100 to 5 trans and/or nonbinary athletes who share their their testimonial with USA Rugby.

If you’re able, add to the fund so that trans and nonbinary athletes can be compensated for their time, expertise, and emotional labor.

Value Trans Stories

Action Item #3

Los atletas internacionales de rugby se ponen del lado de los jugadores trans y de género diverso y se niegan a ser cómplices de las perjudiciales Directrices de World Rugby. A través de esta carta abierta, están eligiendo liderar a sus comunidades con coraje e integridad hacia una visión del rugby como un deporte verdaderamente inclusivo y acogedor que valora a todos, todos los cuerpos y la humanidad de nuestros jugadores.

¡Lea su carta abierta y agregue su nombre si alguna vez se ha preparado para un equipo nacional!


International rugby athletes side with trans and gender diverse players and refuse to be complicit in World Rugby’s harmful Guideline. Through this open letter, they are choosing to lead their communities with courage and integrity toward a vision of rugby as a truly inclusive, welcoming sport that values everybody, every body, and the humanity of our players.

Read their open letter, and add your name if you have ever suited up for a national team!

Hear Elite Players

Elemento de acción #4 (ESP)

World Rugby, la mayor institución que gobierna las federaciones de rugby a nivel internacional, ha propuesto prohibir que las mujeres trans puedan jugar en la categoría femenina de este deporte.

Por eso te pedimos que tu firma. Tenemos poco tiempo: la Federación Española de Rugby tiene hasta el 17 de agosto para trasladar su postura a World Rugby, y esta debe ser la de la no discriminación a nuestras compañeras trans.

Firma la petición

Action Item #4 (USA)

If you are in the United States, recruit your rugby club, geographic union, society, or organization to sign this open letter going to the USA Rugby Board of Directors on Friday, August 21st.

For other countries, please feel free to contact the organizer and get support in creating a version for your rugby union.

Join the USAR Letter

Action Item #4 (UK)

RFU Clubs:

Show World Rugby that you are passionate to continue seeing "Rugby For All". Support a thorough, peer reviewed and evidence based investigation into issues of safety, and allow trans athletes to continue playing the game they love in a safe and welcoming environment.

Sign the UK Pledge

Action Item #5

There is a lot of misinformation about trans athletes. It’s on all of us to ensure that rugby community is truly inclusive and a sport for every body. Let’s keep the conversation going by talking to your teammates, coaches, & administrators and sharing evidence-based information with them.

Talk to your community

Action Item #6

Use the following hashtags on social media: #TackleTransphobia #LetUsPlay #RugbyForAll #RugbyParaTodes. Post to Instagram, Twitter, Facebook, Tik Tok, anywhere and everywhere.

Write a solidarity statement, and tag both World Rugby & your national governing body. Let them know that trans and gender diverse athletes belong in rugby! I’m

Post to the hashtag

Action Item #7

Rugby isn’t the only elite sport facing this rollback. The current International Powerlifting Federation (IPF) and USA Powerlifting (USAPL) policies prohibiting all female transgender powerlifters and male transgender athletes using testosterone from competition are not only based on a flawed understanding of competitive advantage. This can’t be allowed to happen.

Add your name

Action Item #8

This isn’t just happening in elite athletics. Dozens of states in the US have introduced bills that would ban girls who are trans from participating on girls’ sports teams. Some of the bills could subject any girl to invasive genital screening if their gender was challenged by another student. Idaho is the the first state in 2020 to pass anti-trans legislation, including the first legislative ban on trans student athletes. The ACLU is suing, so add your name to support.

Sign the ACLU Petition