Hey yall

Tell the world what you’re made of

Hello my name is Kenya. So happy you are here. I love coffee not a morning person. Before I tried these products I was always tired, struggling with my weight. I just wanted to feel healthier. The skinny brew coffee has helped me lose 20 pounds, have more energy. My skin is healthier, and I have endless energy. My mental clarity is much better. These products have given me confidence, and now I am healthier. What are your wellness goals? I want to help you now. What are your health goals? These products are changing lives, and helping people lose weight, have more energy, growing healthier hair. Are you wanting better sleep, needing a detox.

Are you ready to switch out your coffee.

This is Amanda she had been following me for a while. I was sharing the coffee and how it was transforming my life and helping me burn fat and feel healthier. I had already lost 20 pounds just by switching out my sugary, coffee that gave me no energy and no healthy benefits. Amanda reached out to me she was struggling with her weight and loved coffee. She was nervous but really wanted to feel better and have more energy. I sold her samples first so she could try. She loved the coffee and told me she has so much energy, and was feeling good. She has lost 40 pounds so far and is happy with the coffee and her weightloss results.

Slimming gummies are a new product and people are loving them. Just by taking 2 gummies a day. It will shrink your hips, attack fat cells, and lower your BMI.

Here is my why.

Are you ready to take a leap of faith? I was tired of living paycheck to paycheck and barely getting by. I was wanting more time to spend with family and friends. I was missing out on alot. I need a extra income to help with bills, groceries, gas, and rent. Yes this was not my original plan but I wanted to help people accomplish their health goals. I really love the products and how they made me feel. I am more confident now. These products are for anybody. We all have struggles with our skin, weight, energy, hair or bloating. This business is going to help me pay off debt, travel, and control my schedule. I am helping people find freedom. Whether you are looking for extra income, more freedom, or you would like to do this as a hobby. I can help you find your light.