welcome to hell

hello demons, it’s ya girl

i know it sounds silly but my dream is to change the world. i've always felt like i had the ability to shift negative energy into something positive. i like to think of the yin-yang symbol often and remember that life is all about balance, and you have to learn to embrace both sides of life (negative and positive, good and evil, etc..). from a very early age i've always had this thought in my mind that i'm going to be the person to fix all the problems in the world, like climate change or racism. really i just want to help people think about things differently, spread positivity, and encourage others to create something! it's so important to put your energy into something creative. that is my goal here with the work i have been doing. i hope that i can inspire others to put their energy into something positive. a little love can go a long way, and if i'm able to make people smile, or make their brain wheels turn a little differently... it could totally change the world if i start the craziest chain reaction of all time. either way, i want to be there for anyone who needs it- someone to talk to, someone to learn from, someone to admire from afar.. whatever you need, i want to be that. and i hope that inspires others to do the same.