So Glad You’re Here
Live For Today. Plan For Tomorrow .
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Referral Code: 5101247 for discounts
When you enter my referral code into the customer box when creating your customer account you will receive a discount. Be sure to place in the “referral “ box and not the promo box. You should see my name Tanya Kaye appear.
👉🏼 Payment plan options available for both purchasing and to join my team. Text PAYMENTS to 352-254-4442
I do monthly giveaways as payback each month so be sure to send me your invoice/order # so that you don’t miss out‼️ Send via FB, Insta, or text 352-244-4442.
Below you will find my links to easily learn more and order my personal favorites based on targeted goals. You can add or remove items to your liking.
Please reach out if you have any questions or need assistance with placing your order.