Through content, clarity, and collaboration I support you on your parenting adventure.

Want to know more about The TK Method?

We will uncover what is foundational for your family. By exploring your values, strengths, family vision, triggers, and rhythms, I will support you in creating actionable and sustainable practices that allow for more peace and ease on your parenting adventure.

✅ 1-on-1
2 personalized coaching sessions for your specific parenting struggles

✅ Coming to Community
3 months
12 group coaching sessions
2 / 1-on-1 sessions, +The TK Method™️ (Coaching, video modules, exercises homework, resources, and bonus material)

✅ Amplify and Align Your
Family Foundation
4 months
15 private 1-on-1 customized coaching sessions, personalized assessments, +The TK Method™️.

*Sessions include - foundational understanding of child and parental development, clarity of blocks and solutions, awareness of your family needs and how to support them. 
I will design with you a family roadmap that allows you to thrive and optimize yourself and your family.

Learn more!

About me

My passion in life has been working with children and families. I studied child development and counseling at university and have strong hands-on experience working with a variety of families all around the world.

For the last 2 decades, my roles have been child-rearing focused ranging from daycare teacher, high-profile nanny, to life & family coach. In all of these roles, I recognized patterns that emerge time after time. One of those patterns being the challenge parents faced trying to implement new practices that nourish and nurture their children but also aligned with their family vision.

I began to realize they were exhausted trying to put a square block in a heart-shaped hole. So I began helping them find their heart-shaped block that fit.

By fully immersing myself with the families I supported, I learned how to guide parents in creating actionable and sustainable practices to optimize their family flow.

After experiencing the incredible transformation within the families I have been able to work with, I created this methodology to share with anyone seeking to better align their family path.

Let's connect