Raising awarness for the mind, body and soul

You hold the key to your release.

Turn your keys for growth & shift into your most eluminated understanding of yourself and in turn gain a better understand others.

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May your journey through this site be Eluminating my friend.🧡


"According to preliminary research, analysis, and professional discussions by Walton, Koehler, Reid, et al., on the web, A=440Hz frequency music conflicts with human energy centers (i.e., chakras) from the heart to the base of the spine [the lower four]. Alternatively, chakras above the heart are stimulated. Theoretically, the vibration stimulates ego and left-brain function, suppressing the “heart-mind,” intuition, and creative inspiration."

432Hz vs. 440Hz Are we being manipulated?

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Collective Reading

Will You Remove Your Mask?

Access all of the Removing the Mask series here

I do not share what I feel, or know, or have gone through in hopes of changing anyone's mind. I share because I'm a supporter of humans, each and every one of you beautiful souls. And those searching for these nuggets, I want them to know I see you, I hear you, you are not alone and here you can find empowerment for your journey. From my heart to yours, be blessed.

Part 1 Creating A Path Through Anything

When you remove your mask of how something is making you feel, what do you find? Removing your emotional mask allows you to go through situations honestly. It will have you creating paving stones, instead of stones that are weights holding you back from your best life. Begin your Mask removal with Part 1. Sitting with things

Part 2 The Art Of Dying Out

After the past year's experiences, I can honestly say this with confidence and love....true healing is never going to be linear or feel good all the way through. There are going to be moments you wish you could skip, but there are no short cuts to true healing. Only going through it, while leaning into the feelings, and finding understanding to nurture it through to its releasing.


I want to get into No Response Is a Response because like myself, I know there are others that struggle with this line towing. Like everything in life there is even polarity in this.

Part 4 Social Media Illusions

It's time to drop the mask and talk about Social Media. Like everything in this life, Social Media is polar in its existence. What do I mean? Well, it has its benefits and it has its pits of hell. Your experience with social media is all in how you choose to use the tool that has been given to us all. I want to really focus on Facebook and tear the mask from around it.

Part 5 Black History Month My POV

Every year we tip-toe around this month, many doing dances in celebration to all that is Black. Yes, I have been guilty of this too, even though for most of my life I've thought and felt this to be the most racist time of year, I've indulged in posting black content heavily during this celebration. And have always felt convicited in my doing. Imagine that, I had struggles with this month, and I'm a woman of color.

Part 6 FDA Approvals and Addiction

I have always found it ironic that the FDA spends billions of dollars and man hours to develop chemically laced drugs for human use, instead of fully researching what is already avaliable on the Earth that will work in our bodies the same way or better.

Part 7 Releasing That Which No Longer Serves You

You often hear the statement; "I release that which no longer serves me," but what I don't hear often discussed, is how harming this can be when you aren't ready to honestly release what's being asking to be removed from our life. With this Removing The Mask, I hope to offer you some tips that hopefully allow you to use, "I release that which no longer serves me," in a way that truly expands your life instead of bringing more turmoil.


RTM part 8...DID YOU KNOW...that the CDC has an entire section of their site known as Disease of the Week? Well I didn't until Aug. 3rd when they chose to pick one and then announce it on the news like it was that weeks biggest panic...🙄

Removing the Mask Pt. 9 Detox Your Body. A better Way Forward

I think it's time to relisten to Dr. Sean Brooks. I for sure know it's time to remind myself and others of all the great things we can do on the front end to keep ourself from always treating symptoms. And for those that are looking for information on how to detox yourself after vaccines, I really hope you will take the time to listen to Dr. Judy Mikovits' insights and medical advice. (BLOG PACKED WITH LINKS FOR YOUR RESEARCHING PLEASURE!)

Raising awarness for the mind, body and soul

Empower your way through your human experience. You hold the key to your release.

In 2020 I came off of the bench and began lifting my voice again. After the pandemic hit it became very apparent to myself that these are the times to not only question everything, but it is vital to ask the RIGHT questions. The right question will tear every illusion and veil down and leave truth shinning, no matter how ugly that truth may be. Truth without illuisons is the only way towards real change.

That is what These Are The Times is devouted to; Tearing down illusions and in the process guiding others to learning how to better examine situations within their own personal life as well as the world's experiences. Guiding others in learning how to wade through the sticky that emotions can at times bring, which can cloud one's true view of what they are being presented with. It is totally ok to feel things, but we must rise above the feelings of it all if we ever wish to obtain and live our most fulfilled lives.

As an intuitive, I understand how imperative it is for us all to understand the powers we posses. Which is why I combined my intuitive work & POV blogs into one powerful site.

Plug into blogs and Remove the Mask around what you think you know. Allow yourself to unhinge for a moment and view the power of words that you use everyday & how those definitions may be affecting your actions.

Erica Parrótt/Eluminate/These Are The Times

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I appreciate you for exisiting and I am rooting for you as you fully empower your way through your human experience.

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