Protien French Toast
Lets learn how to make quick high Protein Breakfast with more than 30 g of protein
You need:
1 Egg
1 bread slice
3/4 Vanilla Whey Protein scoop (I used Fast and Up)
Pinch of baking powder
2-3 drops of vanilla essence
1 tsp cinnamon powder
Dash of milk to make the batter
2 tspn olive oil for cooking
To make batter Simply Mix Egg, whey protein, baking powder, vanilla essence, cinnamon and milk. Make sure the batter is thick. Cut the bread diagonally in two slices and dip it in the batter. Cook the bread slice in little olive oil on a non stick pan. Pour the remaining batter on the slice and cook it from both sides. Make sure you don't make it dry by overcooking. Top it with chopped banana, dust some cinnamon and you can even drizzle some biscoff (If it fit your macros).
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