Temi's Space
A spectrum of creativity
Look at that!
Your fingers just clicked you all the way to my sphere at the injunction of your conscient mind. Since you're here, I humbly welcome you and urge you to allow your fingers continue to sift you through my little coast of creativity. It is on the terrace of this site I give voice to the 'whispers'of my mind.
My name is Temilola Oyenuga and as you've probably guessed, I'm primarily a creative writer. I believe the literary world is a view to aesthetic reality and that drives me to embrace it in its entirety; from screenwriting to short stories and novels. I explore fictional and non fictional themes with an intent to reach out to the aesthetic souls clothed by the human bodies.
Secondarily, however, I blog on lifestyle with exclusive keenness on mental health. The state of mind is a continuous, multi-directional component bounding the extremities of human existence. It is why, going by the rule of thumb, humans perceive, form and permeate a network of varying emotions. So what happens when that component is threatened by the upheavals life dishes out? Well, now you understand why I also pen the intrinsic value of mental health.
Occasionally, though, I review both fictional and non fictional books with relevance to the basics of existence. You'd agree with me that stretching the mind frees it from hollows and darkness; filtering away the ripping fingers of ignorance. However, not everyone enjoys reading. It is why I ceave the hedgerows for non avid readers and channel passionate readers to books waiting to be absorbed by them.
So there you have it! Go ahead to entertain yourself.
I look forward to more clicks from you!
With love,