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From Farmer’s Wife to FarmHers to Farm Kids, to Farm Houses; You’re Covered 💗
From Farmer’s Wife to FarmHers to Farm Kids, to Farm Houses; You’re Covered 💗
Hey There! I'm Jacqueline Morgan and I am highlighting what it's like being the next generation of a farmer's wife.
The title comes with the pre-conceived notion of being a homemaker; raising kids, doing all the housework, helping with farm chores, tending animals, and cooking, more cooking, and did I mention the cooking?!
Well this next generation balances that PLUS having a business. Times can be overwhelming, joyful, aggravating, and full of fun chaos; but that's life.
You've heard of turning lemons in lemonade, right? Well... I'm determined to turn those lemons into chocolate cake, and I promise not to sugarcoat things so you can see that, yes, you are not alone trying to figure out this crazy life!