Take a chance

Podcaster/Business owner/Model/Bookworm/& More

Hi there! Welcome to The Alexandra Experience. I’m Alex, but my government name is Maria Alexandra. Let me be basic for a moment, bare with me. I’m 29 years old, Hispanic, born in New York but raised in Miami. I’m a Jesus gal who occasionally lets a cuss word slip. Prior military, a divorcée, college dropout, fur momma, and a million other things that would make this sound like a dating profile LOL.

I’m currently on my way to successfully being debt free from 80k in debt and a first time home owner. Being an Entrepreneur, who’s been in the Network Marketing industry for seven years, I can relate all to well to Thomas Edison with his quote of “I have not failed, I’ve just found 10,000 ways that won’t work.” I’ve been that girl who’s cold messaged before. I’ve been that girl who’s jumped from company to company. I’ve been counted out. Better yet let’s just say a number of things that would take a whole book the size of a dictionary to tell you.

I am currently doing a Gratitude Challenge for the month of December!! If you’re interested in being involved, helping out, or want more information you can set up a meeting with me on the next page. Also, if you click the next page you’ll see other cool things I’m involved in, and other platforms you can connect with me on!!