How hubby and I are unbanking & earning decentralized passive income!

It’s not as confusing as it seems!

Two or three years ago, hubby and I were tired, stressed and searching for more.

Forever on the hamster wheel of go to work, pay the bills and seeming like we we’re never getting ahead.

Surely this wasn’t all life gets to be… there had to be a better way.

Then the pandemic hit and life as we knew it was put on hold. Businesses closing. Jobs on the line. It was a stressful time for all!

Plus with the looming threat of CBDC, digital IDs and cashless society, it was time to start expanding our knowledge base on crypto and DeFi while we still had the opportunity!

We understood that the future was definitely not with the banks and relying on our super or the pension to support us later in life!

Then, the most life-changing and amazing moment of our lives came to be. We received the phone call we had been waiting for and our lives changed forever when we adopted our little son!

Plus, with a little one in the picture, it was time to get our money working smarter & harder for us so we could enjoy being a family and not working full time having someone else taking care of our little one.

Life is too precious and children are only small for such a short time. You can never get those moments back!

So we moved part of our savings into crypto, Forex, precious metals and set out to test a variety of platforms to get some experience.

(The funny part is that our hard-earned savings were earning us just 0.01% interest per annum, so that was never going to support us in the long term.)

So, how did that decision work out for us??

Happy to say that we are now privileged to be leveraging a number of decentralized platforms which have allowed us to not only start unbanking but earn passive income every single week!

We are also privileged to be able to share the world’s first go-Bankless project with people, enabling those who are currently Bankless or wanting to become Bankless to access full centralized functionality without the hassle.

Plus, the connections we have made in the past few years have allowed us to expand our minds and participate in pre-seed investing to really build our earning potential exponentially!!

If you’d like to learn more & you’re ready to start earning a decentralized passive income or start the process of unbanking yourself, click my contact link below. I will then be in touch personally to share some details with you and connect in person over the phone or via zoom.

Feel free to join my private Facebook group with heaps of options for diversifying. I also drop notices when information calls on the decentralized platforms are being held.

Swipe right for other links to get in touch with me via socials.

I can’t wait to connect to help you get decentralized and unbanked starting today!!