Welcome to The Beauty Vibe✨ —


Welcome to The Beauty Vibe! We're so excited to help you get started on your journey with your new business!

Lets get you started strong.

Firstly, go to your website and start youe LAUNCH PAD training. This is your core training on getting started. Do this before anything else!

You can also join the team group below.
Once you have done your LAUNCH PAD training, move onto the GUIDES section of the Beauty Vibe Team Group!

Swipe to view additional groups to be in.

Join The Beauty Vibe Team Group!

Your First Post!  —

Let's get you started!

Your First Social Media post needs to grab attention. Don't rush into this! Take your time to create a good piece of content! Let's create something together!

Step 1. What are you sick of? What made you want to take on this business? What don't you like about life? Are the utility prices crippling? Can't you afford to take the kids out? Do you just need something to focus on? Are you bored with your current life? Write this down.

Step 2. What attracted you to Oriflame? The trick when writing posts is not to mention the company name. Talk about the Beauty Vibe, talk about the products, the team culture. What turned your head? Write it down!

Step 3. What do you envision this resulting in? What is it you want to change or want to bring to people? Do you want to help others build a business and earn an additional income? Or do you want to bring these affordable products to everyone? Are you looking for people to join you in this business?

Step 4. Inject excitement into your post. Be REAL and make sure it sounds like YOU! Copy/Paste posts never get the same reaction as an authentic post.

Share this with a really good selfie of you, or use your imagination and use a picture of your working area with your website pulled up on the screen (this is a good option if you are not yet confident with selfies) although, a picture of you will grab so much more attention!

You can find training on how to take these pics in the Beauty Vibe Team Group in GUIDES.

Example of non selfie photo

Getting Your First Sales!  —

Use the Guides section of the Beauty Vibe Team Group to learn the 3 types of catchy sales posts.

I like to use a BOOM BOOM POW method with posting to ensure I'm not spamming my friends with sales.

BOOM could be Lifestyle
BOOM could be a Live
POW is for catchy sales post.

Use this method of posting on your social media and also in stories.

Next, invite your network to the V Life Project Community group. This is where the social proofing happens. People will gain confidence in the company and products when they see all the great reviews and photos!

Invite people to subscribe to your mailing list to get the catalogue and special offers sent directly to them. Make these emails really personal so it sounds like it's coming from YOU, not a business.

Learn the skill of the upsell and perfect partners. Here's a link to training below! This skill is what takes someone from selling £100 a campaign to £1000 a campaign!

Learn to Upsell with perfect partners here!