Because of Brexton for all the CHD babies!

Brexton Foundation

The Brexton Foundation was founded for the diagnosis of fetal CHD, research of complex CHD, heart valve defects, and to give HOPE to all CHD babies!

The Brexton Foundation was created in honor of Brexton Jeremías Oquendo who suffered from complex CHD and left-sided heart valve defects.

We are a qualified 501 (c)(3) tax-exempt organization.

CHD: congenital heart disease ❤️

Our Why!

Did you know that 1 in 100 babies are born with congenital heart disease, CHD?

CHD is the most common and most deadly birth defect in the United States; and there is no cure.

Some heart defects do not need treatment or can be treated easily, however, with complex CHDs, babies will need surgeries within the first days or weeks of their lives to survive such as those babies born with complex CHD.

Unfortunately, CHD is a lifelong disease requiring ongoing specialized care. About 1 in 4 babies born with a heart defect—and about 25 percent of those will or have a complex CHD. HLHS, Hypoplastic left heart syndrome is a complex CHD along with left-sided heart valves issues that involve atrioventricular, AV Valve issues.

There is NO CURE for CHDs! Babies deserve more! There is not enough research for left-sided heart valve issues and this is where we, The Brexton Foundation come in! Children just like Brexton who suffer from a leaky heart—but on the left side have little to no interventions due to not having any research available. We at The Brexton Foundation hope to change this! We want to help complex heart babies actually live healthier—longer lives!