The Chapter of Healing

Diminishing the stigma around mental health

Whether or not we beg to admit it or not we all deserve to heal ourselves just a little more. When I first began on The Chapter of Healing I had intentions of just making it a place where I could gather my thoughts and share it with you all in hopes to bring light into each day. However, it quickly came to me that it deserves to be so much more.

The chapter of Healing means bringing light on subjects that just aren’t talked about enough. 46% of Americans will meet the criteria for a diagnosable mental health condition sometime in their lifetime. That’s a shit ton of people silently struggling not knowing that it’s actually pretty normal to feel that way.

Moving forward, The Chapter of Healing will now be a place for people to openly talk and chat about certain things that pertain to our well being. It will be the place that will break the sigma surrounding mental illnesses and the fight to get it more publicly seen. It will be a lifeline of help for those in need, and a place to go listen to other people’s stories and successes that they’ve made even in the darkness of their own lives.

Who I am

Delaney Babb

My name is Delaney and I’m a mental health activist that made The Chapter of Healing. My hopes for everyone reading The Chapter of Healing is to bring light into each and every day. I want people to see that hope is real and it is possible to make a beautiful life out of nothing. Mental health has always been a very sensitive topic for me and I’m finally breaking the stigma around not being able to talk about it. I believe that mental health should be a hot topic in all of our life’s and we should be able to openly be able to tell others how we feel without feeling ashamed.

If no one has told you this, it is okay to take breaks

And completely necessary. Even if you feel like what you are doing right now is super important and something you must do, you dont. Sometimes it can take a lot to realize but, you are the most important thing in your life and taking care of yourself goes much further than the materialistic things. Getting burnt out happens probably more than it should. You should walk into each and everything you do with confidence and if you aren't its a good sign you need to slow down. Don't be afraid to spend time with yourself and do absolutely nothing. The solitude is going to be the place you find that you grow the most. So take a few days off from school, work, and friends. But dont stay there forever darling, you have amazing things to do in this world.

List of ways to relieve stress

It’s not linear

When I say this I am referring to your growth. And of course it’s not gonna be an easy road straight to your best self. We are all different with different circumstances and different things we are dealing with. Not only that but, the bad comes with the good. Which is a really hard perspective to get used to but it is a must for you to understand. When the good comes there is always going to be another bump in the road, recognize how I said just a “bump”. You will get through it I promise. However this also means, when the bad days and nights, the times when you think you can’t go on come, the good will be right there waiting for you. You have to trust that the road to your self recovery is not going to be easy it’s not going to always be an uphill journey. But it is so extremely extraordinary when you can look those bad days in the face and say “fuck you” and proceed to pursue the good. So keep going beautiful, you deserve it. #thechapterofhealing

Today was a rough day

And that’s okay.
Bad days come but you have to believe that good days also come. Thank god for the bad days because you wouldn’t of known that bad days even exist without them. You’re life is in your hands so choose a perspective on life that revolves around growth. Repeat to yourself today that if it wasn’t for your hard days you wouldn’t be who you are today. Give yourself a little extra gratitude when you feel down and try just one more time. You are worthy and so loved. #thechapterofhealing

Don’t let them steal your light

You’re gonna meet mean people. You’re going to have encounters and friendships and relationships with people that don’t have good intentions. A lot of the time people are mean because someone was mean to them. They purely want what they don’t have and you do. You see, you have the ability to be kind even when you are hurt and the courage to not give up even when you are doubted. Honey, you are a goddamn hurricane of beautiful things and ideas. And people are going to be jealous of that, that’s all. It’s dirt. All of the rumors, the bad talk, the bullying, the mistakes, and the getting told you can’t is dirt. But do you know what dirt is? Fertilizer. And you are a seed that needs dirt to grow and become something extraordinary. Have you ever seen something beautiful without dirt? So take the damn dirt and make raging encore of yourself. #thechapterofhealing

Make mistakes

When I have talked to people and really sat down and held my self accountable to think about it, I realized something. Most everyone carries guilt and remorse over themselves and their mistakes. most people drag those mistakes around each day and believe that their mistakes are who they are. Well I have one thing to say to you all. You are who you believe you are, you are truly whatever you say you are. Please make mistakes, darling. Without mistakes we wouldn't know how to do better, know how to be better people. The kindest people, most hardworking people I have met are the people with more mistakes hanging over their heads than you can imagine. Let the past go, and let your mistakes be the reason you are who you want to be.