About —

Campaign Profile #TheClaudesSENLaw ~ The Claudes SEN Law Campaign

The Claudes SEN Law ~ Mission is to deliver and execute "Inclusive equal world for Neurodivers, people with hidden, visable disabilities and the awareness of the #TheClaudesSENLaw

I am 23 a year old Student, Author, Youth Delegate, Campaigner, Entrepreneur and Philanthropist. I am Campaigner for Equality, Inclusion, Education, Peace, Justice, Mental Health and Well-being.

Who created The Claudes SEN Law, because of my own educational journey of being denied an SEN education and continues facing loss provision unelected because of number of reasons.

Society judges a individual by its appearance and abilities. Let's change the narrative. In up rooting the current system for inclusive, diverse world with equal opportunities in addressing low efficiency of representation in government and society.

Because in my vision we are #signatureuniqueness with extraordinary abilities which are not to be categorised, excluded, institutionally, systemically discriminated or even signed of from having education because of a lack of miseducation. For that reason I believe in "Inclusive equal world for Neurodivers, people with hidden, visable disabilities and the awareness of the #TheClaudesSENLaw

Speakers After Piece -
Hello! I’m Claude, a #Neurodivers Student, Keynote Public Speaker Campaigner and number of other Hats.

Let’s chat if you’re after pieces on:

♿ Disability
🗳 Politics
📱 Social media

🎤 I moderate/speak on panels, too.

✉️: fivetwentyzerb@gmail.com

#TheClaudesSENLaw |🌍📚📑

Who also talks about the following: Talks About: #Equality, #Inclusion, #Education, #Changemakers, #Peace, #Justice, #MentalHealth, #ClimateChange, #YouthHomelessness , #Wellbeing , #entrepreneurship , #Activism and #CurrentAffairs

Occupation: Student, Author, Campaigner, Youth Delegate, Entrepreneur, Influencer, Keynote Public Speaker, Philanthropist, Activist in reducing Inequality + Quality Education, CEO, Fashion Designer, Singer Songwriter also the creator of "The Claudes SEN Law Campaign. Which is National & International Campaign & Garnetts Clothing Brand & Range non-profit organisation.

#TheClaudesSENLaw Clothing Range Website