Comfortable at the dinner table words left unsaid.........

The conversations I wish I would have had with my parents before I became an adult and how we all could have benefited from the words left unsaid at our dinner tables. Also I will share with you my personal experince on the serenity I found when I listened to the advice from other's and learned that my self worth has zero to do with people's opinions of me in fact all honesty these last few years the ones full of chaos and confusion the miracle I'd been praying for to Christ to find happiness and experience peace was simply found when I stopped listening to other's opinion of who I should be. Today I am able to love myself as the woman christ created me to be in his image he's my saving grace and Christ makes all things possible all glory to him. Choosing not to listen to people's opinions of me has helped me to cease in settling for less then I deserved and I no longer am accepting of things that don't bring me pure happiness. Guidelines restricitions and rules have always been placed on me I'm sure you as well from society my friends even family and well that's none of my bussiness my rough draft for my life should be written by noone other then myself. No matter our age we all reserve the right tomake our own fucking mistakes what people say about me or you or when we should have kids get married fall in love and with who and so on is none of their damn bussiness live your life I said it live your life to hell with people's opinions of you. Do the things that make YOU happy; We are all beautifully broken flawed and a bit crazy ; we are just pieced back together differntly some of us are better at wearing masks when up aganist sorrow and heartache other's wear their heart on their sleeve. Welcome to my blog grab a seat and get comfortable especially since what I'm about to say may make you uncomfortable.

I am Amie a Mom of 3 Jenny (16) Riley (11) and my sweet Ava who I lost on 6.19.2015 shes always loved forever missed and never forgotten. October is national pregnancy & infant loss awareness month I urge you to wear blue and pink to honor Ava and all othrr babies gone before they had the chance to live life but I also encourage you to remember our babies all fall long yall as well as the other months throughout the year because they are worth remembering & knowing they are our children maybe not here on earth but in heaven & they are just as important as the children here on earth today.

This blog is about making you comfortable enough to make meals at your own dinner table awkward & uncomfortable. We as young adults aren't warned about the heartache sorrow & mistakes we will face as adults & now we are letting down our own children and setting up our future generations for failure because as adults and parents currently ourselves today presently we are not breaking the cycle either, we aren't speaking up at the dinner table about the reality our children will inevitably be up aganinst in the years to follow as they become adults all for the sake of being comfortable during meals. We owe them the chance at a good life by making conversations uncomfortable but necessary with them.

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"Why didn't you tell me the chaos involved in being an adult."

Let's get awkward & uncomfortable don't even bother to take your shoes off; if we aren't having the hard conversations the one's that make us blush & squirm or fidget with our hands when we are talking to our kids at the dinner table then we as parents are failing our kids.

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It’s not the opinion you receive sometimes. It’s the value of where it came from. 

A quote from a friend I fiercely love & may secretly in another life have had a crush on. Hes one of those men who seems soft yet rough in all the areas of life that you need love in, hes one who makes the heart beat faster & the palms sweat Im glad god gave me him as a friend just when I was ready to give up & give death a chance. Depression suicide anxiety & ptsd words left unsaid at the dinner table words I wish had been said it would have opened up the discussion on these difficult topics many of us face topics i personally face maybe just maybe then today I wouldnt be facing the struggles of knowing its OK not to be OK especially with the stigma society places on suicide. Depression & anxiety is why im bearing a open heart tattoo with watercolors and a semi colon on my left wrist its my permanent reminder of the time I almost gave death a chance gave up on the genuine woman ive grown to love from within today its a reminder that no matter how awkward and uncomfortable those around the table may become I will always tell my daughters suicide is never a choice fight and its ok not to be ok your not weak your fucking strong to be fighting such a harsh beast. To my amazing friend Jay thank you for teaching me how to open up my heart again & reminding that genuine friendships exist & often are formed when least expected you are love appreciated & respected with much love I fiercely value you Amie

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Check this out........ —

Adding a splash of color to my blog.

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The Dinner Table

"Words Left Unsaid"

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"The reason behind the silence."

The difficult discussions about serious life issues never seems to happen. Why that's what I often ponder in the dark at night when everyone else in the house is sound asleep. Why arent we talking to our loved ones about the topics that can and may hurt or challenge us all as adults and in the future. Saturday night I will answer with my personal opinion of why I think we leave words left unsaid and the long term effects it can do in the future when we remain silent.

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Just another splash of color & a huge thank you!

Thank you so much for all your love support & motivation I fiercely love you.

Why I believe words are left unsaid...........

Here's my personal opinion on why I think we avoid uncomfortable conversations with our families

We don't want to have to discuss topics or be asked questions that may be embarrassing for ourselves & our  children if brought up in conversation I believe that is why we leave words unsaid however in the end words unsaid lead to years of uncertainity. My childhood wasn't good it just wasn't despite the picture my mom likes to illustrate  for people.  In the early 90s when I was five we had a housefire I lost my brother Adam  during the fire it was a moment  in my life in which  I still remember every detail of now even  at thirty-four. The fire not only took Adam's life it robbed us of a childhood and of having parents. From five to sixteen after Adam's death my parent's drank sunrise to sunset they fought we  all went to bed early some nights with no dinner we all wished for a normal family my brothers and I would pray on the school bus as we rode home that our parents just not be drunk when we got home God sure let us down most of those days because they where usually always beligerent & drunk is how I use to believe when I was a child now as an adult I see God was preparing us for circumstances we would later face in life You know in eleven years never once did we sit down and talk about Adam's death not once my parents never took us  to Adam's  grave,  so many words that where needing to  be said in order for all of us to heal that  should have been said at our  dinner table  words we all desperately prayed would be said where left unsaid never spoken. I am  not angry at my parents not even a little suprisingly not today anyways. Many times we want to avoid being  uncomfortable or avoid conversations that bring up topics  which may trigger the pain in our hearts that we avoid talking about so we remain silent well  you can pretend its not there but it is and it  doesnt just hurt you it also hurts your loved ones when you remain silent. My parents where not the only ones that suffered from Adams death my brothers and I suffered most of the time  alone and we where just young children. because my parents drank all their pain away. At least they thought until the hungover came and they sobered up. No words ever spoken pain lingering fearful of tears  maybe or of accepting the reality  Adam was gone may have been why my parents left defermential conversations unaddressed. The lack of words would later  lead to us their  children as adults not knowing how to properly deal with loss or  us knowing how to be assertive when expressing our emotions. My point tonight is this if we would have  had just  sat around the fucking  table together  and cried together said the words we all had on our mind back then  I believe we would have all healed more plus avoided mistakes even  arguements we've faced as adults. To be brutally honest I believe we still suffer today from our childhood.  My blog the dinner table words left unsaid is inspired by my childhood for eleven years my parents where less then  participating parents in my life they where trying to avoid being uncomfortable avoid the pain of losing a child so  we sat several damn nights around the dinner table pure silence in the air well we should have been having  conversations the fucking uncomfortable ones why   so we could heal instead  of harboring pain and anger which lead to my brothers and I growing into adults uncertain of ourselves with pain we havent healed from that happened decades ago. Talk to your family talk to your kids get fiercely honest & damn brutual with them turn red fidget with your hands i dont care but please talk dont leave words left unsaid. Thanks for reading tonight friends much love & Happy Halloween yall!

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"Just a simple reminder you are worth it!"

"You always have been & always will be"

Words I've left unsaid —

By not saying the words on my mind I have become aggitated.

In Febuaray I came back home for the first time in quite sometime I stayed about a week & felt nothing had changed not even in the slightest in fact things actually seemed worse. My mom's health seemed to have decline & with great certainity I knew she was on some sort of substance she had lost her husband in October 2019 & seemed to not have healed from the loss or even begun to heal. So I went ahead and moved in with a friend three hours away for my sanity and sobriety. I wish then I had told my mom to get her shit together to deal with her demons because I was going through to much on my own I couldnt deal with with an addict mother as much as I loved her. Well I left those words unsaid and about three months later my oldest daughter called to tell me my mom gad lost weight etc I knew then she was using. I wish it wasnt true but I know even today present day shes using. I dont care what she says she continues to lie to my face even today. Poor hygiene hair & weight loss substances alcohol or drug use either was she shouldnt be doing it. Today present day my emotions are scattered Im dealing with a mom whom is likely addicted to drugs. That in itself is stressful then add the rest of my lifeband current stress factors and that alone makes you want to numb all emotions but what will that ultimately solve. I have said things to my mom a time or fifty she gets mad and I can tell I can see her get angry but most addicts do when confronted. The words ive left unsaid and trying to be there for others who are ignorant and selfish has me paying the consequences now. I wish I never came home I wish I hadnt left words unsaid. Im not sure how to say the words to my mom I just know I dont express emotions well so throat punching her isnt an option I said what I said we all feel it from time to time. I just had the balls to say it unlike you. Thanks for listening to my 6am rambles that I have stayed up half the night worried about.

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"Be good to yourself"

Self care is important & essential.

"The dash in between"

What really matters most when we leave this world.

Im not leaving this unsaid so read my blog below I fiercely love you all..........

When we die our headstone has two dates, the day we where born and the day we died. You know all that matters is the dash in between. I wish years ago I wasnt worried about pleasing others & fitting in or following the image this nation has painted for men & woman. I wish somone would have said Amie all that ever will matter is the dash in between those dates because that is where you make all your memeories you laugh you cry you grow you love and you lose loved ones, but no matter what happens live your life. Curtis my dear friend says that often "live your life Amie" friends live your life fiercely unafraid OK please take risk fall in love be fucking happy do what brings you happiness.I think instead of leaving words left unsaid tonight at your dinner table just look over at your family and say live your life fill up the dash in between with happiness live your life the way you want to live it


I fiercely love & miss you Ava

To the one who tried to steal my joy......

"The words I wish I would have said instead I stayed ."

This isnt love
I dont deserve this
Its not me
Im good enough
Why are you doing this
I cant breathe

Those are just a few words I left unsaid that I wish I would have said as I was packing my kids and all my shit in my car and leaving an abusive spouse I guess we can all dream. The reality was those words where not said the few words I managed to actually say where cries or whipers day after day bruises formed under my skin i even was gasping for air after being choked with a purse strap all to help someone that I loved who I thought loved me who I thought one day would change the change never happened the abuse never got better the tears finally stopped one day and the prayers to die began I couldnt cry anymore because I felt so damn defeated and in the process I also lost my entire sense of feeling safe or secure even today as im healing the scars left from the abuse are fresh and its been almost two years when I stand alone after my shower at night and the steam fades slowly away from the mirror the girl I see is the vulnerable raw version of myself the one who is well aware of the harsh reality that demons are actually humans in disguise. There where so many times I wish I said words instead of shedding tears and Im paying significantly for remaining silent. Imagine giving your entire life to someone and never being good enough even worse though is realizing you actually where good enough. I always have and always will be good enough even as I write this tonight tears for the nieve loving woman I use to be that will never be me again is mourned the loss of her its like a part of me died its sad that the person who promised in front of friends family and God to protect me actually hurt me most. Sometimes people are just fucking shit gosh they are just horrible pieces of utter shit no matter what you do they will remain pieces of shit. If you are going through domestic violence up your shit or leave it but just leave you are worth it. If the words you never heard the words left unsaid that you need to hear in order for you to leave are you are enough well you are enough and you are worth it leave it isnt going to get any better. I dont want you to have to live in a shelter for 8 weeks or to have to always sit facing the door i dont want you to have to run to your car at night after you clock out because noone has said you are worth it. Words left unsaid if we would just say them can actually save you years of scar tissue heartache pain and anxiety. I just want to live my life I want to feel safe and I needed someone like the friends I have today say you are enough so I could realize I didnt deserve all that pain all those brusies and I was never going to be able to change it. So you are so fucking enough you have always been more then enough. Also its hard its complicated this healing thing its really fucking hard but you and I all of us we are going to get through this & one day we will look in the mirror after the steam fades and instead of only seeing scars see the strength we gained from the pain we endured and say I am enough always have been always will be I pray these are the unsaid words someone needs to here to give them tbe courage to leave.

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Losing Ava Kinsley Kramer —

"When you lose a child words will forever remain left unsaid for the rest of your life."

I lost Ava on June 19 2015 & it changed who I was as a person. I had such horrible morning sickness with Ava it was actually all day sickness & I would give it all just to be sick all day just to here her heartbeat or to be allowed to spend the day holding her. So many people say it will never happen to me I will never lose a child, you have no way of knowing if you will cherish them. So many things I wish I would have said the day I lost her. Who's actually ever prepared to have to say good bye to their child. Clean your room dont run stop yelling your grounded how I wish all those words werent forever silenced. I miss you Ava my heartaches for the life you will never experience. Love your children never leave I love you unsaid tommorrow is never promised .

Ava Kinsley Kramer

I miss you gosh sweet Ava I just freaking really miss you so much, all these years have passed and I swear I miss you more then the day I lost you.

We Remember Them...................

"Know our babies honor their lives."

Remembering Ava Kinsley 6.19.2015

Some cherished pictures of Ava Kinsley Kramer.

Ava you are always loved forever missed and never forgotten.

"I fiercely miss you"

Noone should ever have to bury their child.

"The human heart was not built for such devastation."

"Graphics made for Ava."

Ava's death shattered me to my core.

It's took several years to even begin to learn to live without her.

"You will always be my favorite what it"

After all this time.......

Always.....after all this time years later when anyone ever says make a wish I always wish you where here. Sweet Ava, you will always be my favorite hello & hardest goodbye.

To the man who could have been the love of my life " —

"These are the words I should have said instead of leaving them unsaid."

We will call him AB years ago I met AB by chance I was going on a date with his friend who was a jerk & as I was leaving I slipped AB a letter in his gym bag. Months later as I was sitting in front of the mirror at my moms doing my make up it was him on the other end of the phone. From then on we became friends and I fell in love with him. Any weekend I could Id drive to him. He always made me feel safe he was my safe haven he was my friend he was the love of my life and I wish I would have said I love you AB grow old with me theres noone else I want to do life with besides you. Those words where sadly left unsaid. I often wonder if I had said all the above to him if it would have changed where we are today. Life just fucking sucks at times because lifes circumstances caused him to break up with me. I cried that day all the way home I cried all that night and even now on the hard days I cry for his touch I guess besides my Dad he is the only other man that I full heartdly trust his voice soothes my worries his touch calms my heartbeat. Hes the man who could have been the love of my life. Today present day im single, I have stayed single for a full year to see if he would choose me if hed take a leap of pure faith sadly that hasnt happened. The thought of AB makes me sad & happy all at the same time. Him and I have never got closure maybe on the day we said good bye if I had sad all the words I left unsaid then maybe I wouldnt be yearning to see him face to face. There was one time we both drove and met one another at a rest area and his kiss reminded me of what we all read about in fairytales. Ive never seemed to be AB's choice two times now hes chosen another woman and J wonder if he knew how much I fiercely love him if hed meet for a coffee date sit face to face because I need to say all the words that have built up over the years because words unsaid leave you wondering what if.

AB chances are you will never read this but if for some chance you do.

I want you to know......
Gosh I just miss you all these years have passed and I miss you. You are the love of my life and you will always be my favorite "what if" Ive stayed single a whole year to see if we had a chance but it hasnt happened. Your voice will always be one of the reasons I made it through the hardest times of my life. Im waiting for that coffee date but if it never happens just know I fiercely loved you then & still do. I just wish youd give in drive here for coffee and us both get the closure that we havent yet got. AB you make me happy & I could do forever with you if you just take a leap of faith.

When you leave words left unsaid....... —

Be courageous and go say them to the ones you love.

Words left unsaid end up as regrets tonight I messaged my dear friend Leah & I said this... So there this guy Adam years ago I was fiercely in love with I mean that real love Leah & we always had fun he always made me feel safe well his ex wife had cancer and he broke up with me because he wanted to take care of her and a part of him I think still loved her. He promised wed always be friends and that wed stay in contact we didnt though I was then with my now ex husband at the time when his wife died and thats when he said he may love me. He broke my heart that day when we broke up so much so that when hid wife died even though I loved him so much I just couldnt be with him. A few weeks after his wife past we met up at a rest area though and it was maybe a week after my ex husband smashed my head into the wall for making his lunch wrong, so I was so nervous shaky and scared to meet Adam but I did and he made every worry every what if & every fear of mine disappear and I remember sitting in his jeep just thinking God I love this man. Thats been years now and I still think oc him everyday. Since then Ive been through alot im sure he gas to. Ive really worked on myself this last year and I needed that but I feel like Adam is my missing piece. Everyday lately a text or a memory of Adam pops up hes in a relationship but I feel like we never got closure. And im almost certain im still in love with him and just want to see him face to face. The words I left unsaid led me to all these chaotic emotions & mess.

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Unexpected Blessings......

This isn't what I prayed for, but it's just what I needed.

When my 16 year old said Mom im pregnant, let me tell you I had to think before I could even speak now eight months later & shes due in a few short weeks the time has flown by.
Tommorrow I will be writing about how I feel now that several months have passed. Stop by tommorrow night for my newest blog entry.

" A Splash Of Color For All Of Us."

I always love to add some color or positive quotes to the blog from time to time. So hope you enjoy.

Grandma at 34 God's plan for my life is difficult to grasp from time to time........ —

I may not be where I want to be but im exactly where I need to be.

Speaking on unexpected blessings this afternoon & how when our prayers aren't answered it's because God has a different vison, one we may not understand but just remember remaining open is the best approach. When Jenny told me she was pregnant and she was only 15 just shy of turning 16 my first thought was OMG her life is ruined, this isn't what we planned for. Life often never goes as we plan it's the truth. I remember in high school i just knew how many kids I would have when I would get married & the floor plan for my first home. Well reality & life sure had different plans because nothing on my five year plan happened in the exact order I had planned for it to. Somedays im thankful they didnt I was nieve years ago all my experiences have humbled me and they have made me greatful for all that I do have even if I didnt follow my five year plan. I had to remind myself of that over and over these last few months as Jenny has been coming closer to her due date. Jenny pregnant at 16 is not what I ever envisioned for her life but pregnant at 17 wasnt what my Mom and Dad envisioned for me either i'm certain of that much however in the end Jenny and my niece Anna where the biggest blessings in my family's life in fact Jenny & Anna are the reason we survived after the death of my Dad because somedays I could barely brush my teeth without bursting into tears at the thought of my Dad. So my point is as Jenny is ready to have her daughter Kinsley in a few short weeks eben though this isnt the life we planned for, I believe that Kinsley is a blessing none the less im sure of it and just like her mom & Anna she will be a blessing in ways we could never imagine. You see life is difficult the easy then calm then hectic life is everything other then predictable. Sometimes we thonk our prayers are left unheard when in fact not a single word was left unheard by God he hears every word we say, but maybe just maybe the words left unsaid to God are the prayers hes answering for us we just don't know it yet. Be open to unplanned circumstances in your life, dont go in with a hostile attitude when you approach a unknown situation. Go in with an open mind & a thankful heart even if its not what you prayed for, God gives us what we need not what we want so be still & listen observed & praise God even when you are uncertain of what has been laid before you. Pray Breathe Repeat he knows exactly what hes doing even when we can't quite understand. Have faith God will guide you if you are just open to acceptance of his plans for your life.

Ava Kinsley Kramer 6.19.2015

Always loved forever missed & never forgotten........

More often then not lately Ava her brief life her memory flood my dreams & her abscence in my life seems to constrict my heart it's so fierce I can't even catch my breathe at times. Ava would have been five in June shed be in kindergarden somedays seem less painful others are as if I just lost her . Ava will always be my favorite "what if" Ava came into our lives unexpected & left just as fast she left a lifetime of love in the wake of her death, that love keeps me holding on on the unbearable days . Ava you are always loved forever missed & never forgotten. I will see you one day in Heaven & I can't wait to meet you. Though Ava's death caused a pain I could have never imagined i'd do it all again to get a few more moments with her. Jenny is scheduled to have Kinsley soon how ironic Ava's middle name is her first name and Adams middle name is her middle name. Kinsley Emery my first grandchild someone else Ava win't be here to meet. Ava if you could watch over Kinsley & Jenny for me. I fiercely miss you & love you.

"The fall hurt like hell but I found grace in the wounds and a version of me I never knew."

Grace & Faith.........

Should always be bigger then any of your fears.

"Our deepest roots are born out of the winter nights when we've had to dig into the shallow dirt of our infant beliefs and reach into the soil of our most core foundations."

"Truth faith the kind that perserves through pain & trials as well as urgency takes a surgical navigation through all the very difficult questions of life. Only doubt will ever get you to ask them."

"I want a faith that doesnt just tickle my inspiration or provides me with cute slogans hell no; I want a faith that can get beat up by suffering scholars and santic evil and still keep on standing through all the seasons of my life."

"Let your faith & grace be far bigger then any of your fears."


My wish for you & I sounds a smidge like this so here goes......

I pray fiercely when you find love again it's more then you could have imagined....... . I hope that it is everything you ever dreamt about. I hope that you find a love that has the power to tear down the painful walls of your past, so that you both can build a new wall filled with beautiful memories. I hope that you find someone who makes your heart beat faster. I hope that you find someone who you can; trust, communicate and understand on levels you never established with anyone before. I hope that they make you feel safe and protected. I hope they make you laugh, even when you don't want to. I hope they make you smile, even when you can't remember how. I hope they help you work through all of your flaws, so you can grow and evolve in ways you never knew you could. I hope they pour in you, and never drain you. I hope they make you shed beautiful tears in the quiet moments like you always see in the movies. I just hope that you find a love that truly makes you happy. Finally I hope you know as you read this you are enough God you are so much more then enough so I hope you wait & never settle for less then the soulmate God handmade just for you.

We aren't one in the same........

"My Pain & Your Judgement"

However no matter where life takes any of us we all have fallen from grace so take your judgement with you i'm not daring to even listen for a brief second to you shame the woman i've fought so damn hard to become today. I'm imperfectly imperfect but I'm not ashamed these scars this pain i've earned & how I express myself is a choice of mine; let me tell you all out there reading this tonight fuck it cry, scream, slam the damn door i don't care if it helps you heal you do it just don't ever be ashamed of your struggles I bare my pain and push through day in and day out & other's judge me every choice I make. Let other's judge who cares. If you need a break then damn it live your motherfucking life be unapologetically you take a day for yourself flip your house upside down if it helps let the anger go drink some wine and cry until you feel as if your soul has been cleansed or hell just go straight to the tequila and dance in your living room in your underwear & let the music take you back to a time when days seemed easier and you prayed to be older becasuse Lord knows now I pray to be younger but dont you dare let their judgement your pain from turing into healing. Stop letting other's steal your joy. Other's opinion of us is none of our damn bussiness our self worth has ZERO to do with other's opinion. It's been a year a hard year gosh its been hard; I just seem to go forward in life and then BAMMMMMMM I get throttled backwards by life's bitch ass punches so it seems like many I give give give until Ive got no more to give and sadly other's will forever give you advise or and judge you on circumstances they've never lived if not to your face behind your back & i've begun finally to say this if you havent lived through it don't tell me how you'd handle it you don't know until your alone drowning in despair crying asking God Goddd!? how will i ever find the courage to survive another day, how youd actually handle a situation is totally different then you ever imagined when you actually face it. I' ll be damned if my pain and my journey is going to be judged by any man or woman who hasmt walked in the shoes first hand. God's grace saved my life and God can judge me. My pain their judgement not anymore my pain my choices judgement not allowed just block all the noises out. We all have fallen from grace so theres not a soul out there who can judge another on how they survive through pain in this beautiful sorrow joyous thing we call our life.
For so many years ive ran away from all i know and God is the only one who knows how I feel ive seen rock bottom even shook the devils hand per say and finally i said God please grant me my soul back in your name I pray I got more pain then some could even begin to fathom so Gods the only one who should be passing judgement hes the one who stayed even everyone hold your head high theres no shame in tears in shattering & rebuilding. Ive fallen from grace the lord showed me the way and hes doing not just that hes done so much more. Im proud of the woman I am today & my head will never be held in shame.

"I'm Holding On Darlin"

I'm Just Not Quite Sure Though At This Moment Whether It Is For You Or I Maybe It's For Us Both.........

Are you staying for love that exist & remains or are you staying to prove to yourself & other's that not everyone walks away when life gets difficult because your so use to other's quitting on you when you needed them the most. It's not your responsibilty to save everyone I know you want to God trust me I know you bear the pain of other's I do as well. If your holding on for love keep on holding on but if your holding own to prove not all people will quit on other's like they did with you then it,'s time to move on. I see you I was you and i'm so sorry people quit on you when you needed them the most. Im all sorts of emotional tonight; Ive been exactly where you are tonight and i'm sorry their are times sadly that no matter what choices you make people get hurt you can only do so much you deserve genuine happiness. Dont leave words left unsaid OK fuck say all your holding back and answer honestly the questions you have been asking yourself that you ponder when alone. We can love a person and if we have genuinely given our all and it fails then you've already proven not everyone will abandon others when difficult situations arise. If you in love like i said hang on fight but dont stay of it ever occurs to you love is gone. If your staying out of concern for what will happened to your spouse voice your love for them tell them it didnt work but god you worth the world you are enough and im never quitting on my obligation of reminding you of that every single day. Then you can say ive gave it my all.

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"The Forbidden"

A frienship between us however for just one night I want to experience him in my bed.

Is that so bad i'm not sure theres a friend and I just want to approach him for a propostion on the likely hood of him and I friends to have a one night stand. Im guarded but I trust him, I trust him enough to tell him how much I desperately want to feel him; no emotions no strings attached just in the moment is what I want. I want a release a night of no worries with this man who's forbidden to me. I crave him its rare afraid to lose his friendship however its an addrealine rush the truth I'd let him domanate me in so many ways. Words left unsaid to my friend maybe one day I'll let him know I crave his lips on mine and I want to desperately have his permission for my lips to touch every inch of his scared body just to remind him hes alive & hes worth it & that its going to be ok. I just want this man and it intrigues the woman within me I havent felt I desire like this in years.

Words Left Unsaid —

Battling regrets from words I wish i'd said and may never get a chance to say them now

Missed opportunities become regrets. A person in my life I fiercely love I know may know how much I care for them but I wish I would've said it more. No day is ever promised you or someone you love could be gone tommorrow it's scary but it's the truth. If you say I love you say again over and over every chance you get to the ones you love. I loveeeeee you.

Happy Fall Yall........

Oh & Happy Thanksgiving Also Yall!

Flannel bonfire & leaves falling yes sir it's that time of the year. Just a few short weeks until Thanksgiving with that being said I challenge you to think of all the things you are thankful for in your life and tell those whom your thankful for just exactly why you are thankful for them. No words left unsaid this thanksgiving around your dinner table friends say it pass the yams and oh by the way I love you.

Oh My Lanta

Fall & Thanksgiving means smore & more.

Blessed & Thankful Well Hell Yes.......

Then if possible give back this holiday before the year ends bless another person's life the way God has blessed yours.

What are you thankful for this year?!

I challenge you to wake up all November and esch day find at least one thing you are thankful for.

Ava Kinsley Kramer

I'm thankful this Thanksgiving for the brief time God gave me with my daughter Ava Kinsley Kramer 6.19.2020

Though brief her short life left so much love vehind in the wake of her death. Ava was a miracle & blessing. Losing her will forever be the hardest thing i've ever faced in my life nonetheless im so thankful that I was chosen to be her mommy.

Pumpkin Spice Everything Please

I love you a latte' for supporting my blog. You all are phenomonal.

What are you making this Thanksgiving

If you have a family recipe or a tradtion you do every year share with us tell us how your traditions began or tell a recipe that just makes you smack your lips.

Pass the yams please

Oh & by the way I love you fiercely!

Give Thanks

Give thanks this thanksgiving, let go of the "what if's" and rely on God be thankful you are alive & healthy. Focus more on the joys then the sorrow.

Thank You

Thank you for subscribing to my blog thank you for helping me reach 6000 subscribers. You are one of the many things im thankful for this year

Our wish for you this thanksgiving

Is you dont leave any words left unsaid this Thanksgiving around you dinner table. Much lovd my tribe girls and I pray you all have a blessed holiday.

Give thanks & give hope

This year give thanks and then give hope by doing something kind fod someone less fortunate

Fall for Jesus

God's grace saved my life this year. My soul was dead my faith lingering barely hanging on and God carried me through all graceful and supporting he carried me no questions asked. He never falters on his love for us he never leaves.

Trust youself

Stop spinning out about where we go from here and just flow with it. This is life on earth and you came here for this moment, for this time.

I’m tired of guessing at what’s going to happen next. We cannot control this shit show. I just keep hearing Hagrid (inner dialogue of a book nerd lol) saying, “what’s coming will come and we will meet it when it does”.
I don’t know what’s coming, none of us do.
But I do know this: there has never been a time in our lives when it’s been more crucial that we listen to our intuition. If you get that “crazy” overwhelming witchy/ mama intuition to do something, don’t hesitate...just do it! Trust yourself.
Stop spinning out about where we go from here and just flow with it. This is life on earth and you came here for this moment, for this time.

It only happens with teens


It doesnt just happen with teens in fact it happpened to me here is a smidge of a background about me and cyberbullying. In 2015 I moved home to Flordia after losing my daughter Ava my ex spouse's best friends wife began a vicious and reluctant terrorist attack as I call it because a cyberbully is a terrorist. An online malicious terrorist it forever changed my life it even lead to me trying to commot suicide. So Im now in the process of starting a new blog. How i deal with a cyberbully. I hope once construction of the blog is done you all swing by my blog and enjoy some good reading material and informative information which im hoping to be able to provide you about cyberbullying. Stay strong those of you who are a cyberbullys prey you can beat this.
Sincerly Yours,

I fierecly pray for all of you🤍

Always Loved........

Infant loss Ava Kinsley

Words left unsaid I wish my family would have said after I lost Ava this is going to hurt.

Infant loss. It's an empty blanket, empty arms. It's leaving the hospital with a box with handprints on it instead of a carseat with a baby in it. It's knowing that to strangers you have one child, not two, because that's what they see. It's decorating a grave. It's heartbreak over and over again. It's loving your baby even though they're gone. It's knowing they'll never leave your heart, that they are in the safest possible place they can be and nothing more can ever hurt them. It's knowing they're at peace.

Wishing You

The Happiest Of Thanksgiving Wishes

From My Family To Your's Happy Thanksgiving!

Christmas 2020

Anyone else wanting to decorate different or be spontaneous in the way you celebrate the holiday's this year?

2020 has been a year of everything but normal & it has me wanting to go with blue or pink decor this Christmas instead of the typical traditional red & green. Is anyone else feeling the same way?

Maybe I'll go with pink silver & a smidge of sparkle this year.

I'm going with anything but traditional especially since 2020 isn't been a normal typical fiscal year.

Ava Kinsley 6.19.2015

Honoring my sweet girl this holiday season as I do every holiday. I lost Ava on 6.19.2015 & I fiercely love & miss her everyday but especially during the holiday's🤍

Grief —

Words left unsaid

Grief the truth about it;

- The tribulations & trials that come with experiencing grief first hand will make you feel as if you are being suffocated or as if your drowning gasping for just one last frantic deep breathe, you feel hopeless & there's no bypassing the pain it's horrific.

- Time does NOT heal all; you learn how to live without your loved one's yes because if you don't learn how to move forward then grief will rob you of the life you are meant to experience but you never heal not completely. A song, a picture, a shirt someone's similiar laugh resembling your loved one will halt you in your step and all the tears 1,2 or 20 years later will hit you just as hard when memories comeback of the ones you love who already have gone home to Heaven just as fierce as the day you buried your loved one.

- You can never prepare yourself for grief no amount of pep talks will allow you an advantage when your standing face to face with the aftermath left behind by death.

-You can't survive through grief without your friends you need them to remind you why life is worth living you just need them to allow you to hysterically cry into the phone to remind you that the pain your enduring is normal you need friends your friends while experiencing the stages of grief to remind you that life is hard painful unfair heartwrenching and impossible but that there somewhere beyond the despair is hope.



How we deal with things.......

"Humans are bad at most things, love, relationships, parenting, holding ourselves together, being dependable. However there is one thing we are so good at, in fact spectacular at. We are all so damn good at being broken open, in fact its how the light gets out, its how we know without a doubt its there, because once in awhile something in life comes along and shows us that life this life you have been given is so much more then just existing. Something comes along and tells us to stop being so damn small and so human, because you can do better by being so much more.
Take one second at a time, then one minute at a time, follow that with one hour at a time and eventually you will handle a full day without hesitation!