About Me

Thank you so much for being here and for your interest in learning more about me and my work.

My name is Serena Franchini, a registered nurse for 15 years, trauma-informed inner child work coach, and certified somatic therapy practitioner. I have always had a calling to help and serve others. After going through my own spiritual journey and awakening, I connected to and began healing my inner child. It changed everything for me, I found my purpose to help others do the same.

Once my awakening transpired I realized how many people in our communities and all over the world are truly suffering because they are unaware of their buried traumas. It has become my mission to bring awareness of connecting to and healing the inner child as a catalyst to provide transformation to people’s lives. The transformation enables one to live in stillness, aliveness, presence, connectiveness, tuned awareness, and self-regulation, these are the six mission goals to my practice, The Healing Fawn.

My practice firmly stands on a foundation that all barriers one faces in life stem in some way or another from our childhood experiences.

Childhood trauma looks very different for everyone, some are severe, and others do not even recognize they have any at all.
We cannot compare one another’s trauma, but I can say the commonality is a child’s emotional needs were either repeatedly neglected or rejected. We will work together to connect with the inner child who experienced these unmet needs through a somatic trauma-informed approach.

Some of the barriers that I focus on are addiction of any and all types, reoccurring relationship challenges, parenting difficulties, self-esteem/self-worth struggles.

There is FREEDOM in healing and shattering these barriers!!

What is Mind-Body Therapy

Somatic therapy/mind-body therapy is becoming more prevalent in the trauma-informed healing/therapy communities. It proves to be an extremely beneficial method for people that have had any type of childhood trauma, PTSD, C-PTSD.

We store memories from our early years in our body as sensations vs brain as stored recallable conscious thoughts, as that memory recall center is not yet developed. Also, this same process occurs when going through events that causes dysregulation in the nervous system,

The brain stores these memories in an unconscious part of the brain due to our bodies alarm system being activated. This embodies these repressed memories as current danger and memories become fragmented and unprocessed, putting your body in a dysregulated state,

When memories are not complete, we cannot differentiate if we are reacting to current situations from past, present or future perspective. Also, incomplete memory cycles over time become stored programs that many come to think of as our normal self. if we do not re-enter, we repeat. Compulsion to repeat, occurs when you find yourself in reoccurring unhealthy life patterns.

Mind-body therapy allows you to connect to these body memories and work with them in a safe and nurturing space with guidance of a certified practitioner. We learn to connect to inner resources that help you navigate these memories in order to get to a sustained state of regulation.

Once we can regulate we slowly enter and work with stored memory appear as sensations, movements, images, emotions. With an oscillation approach, we allow the activation of memory/emotion to present for a short time, Then return to your safe inner resources, titrating back and forth. This enables a reset and completion. Over many cycles, these memories are no longer fragmented and unprocessed. Healing occurs. New life begins.

Triangle of mind-body therapy: 3 components needed to do this work

1. Movement
2. Sensing/Connecting into body
3. Breath Work

What encompasses the words Trauma & Childhood Trauma


The biggest misconception I find is that most people think if you didn’t experience life-altering abuse you do not have childhood trauma. 

The second misconception is if one begins to look at the fact that they may have experienced negative effects from their childhood, you are then blaming and condemning your parents/caregivers. Both are not accurate. 

The fact is that most of us have experienced childhood trauma, and so have your parents, grandparents, and even further down your ancestral line.  Identifying you may be struggling in life due to unresolved childhood issues is not about blame at all. Rather, it is to connect to your inner child/inner teenager who is currently scared, angry, hurt, and unable to cope in a healthy way. 

One model that I have developed for inner child healing work is the CSCI model: Connect to, Soothe, Consider and finally
Include your inner child in your daily life. It is miraculous how calm, peaceful, and connected life can be with this integration.

I’m providing a list below that I find helpful for you to understand the various types of childhood trauma.

Big “T"' Trauma

- war, combat, persecution
- serious accidents such as a
car crash
- sexual of physical abuse
- domestic abuse
-child abuse, neglect
-Witnessing death
-Witnessing domestic violence
-death of a loved one
- major surgery, life threatening

Little " t" trauma

- accidents and falls (such as a
child falling off a bike and breaking
their leg)
-hospital procedures (such as
getting tonsils removed)
-a child's family dog dying
-conflict with parents
-being raised in a household
where there is a lot of shouting
-a child being yelled or physically
-being bullied, shamed, mocked,
made fun of, humiliated
-having parents with a psyc.

I’ve also developed assessment tools focusing on your current life patterns and barriers that help bring awareness to the negative effects you may have had from childhood.