The Jessica Treatment

with Jessica Henrard

Hey I’m Jessica ☺️

A specialist in health and human function & have been in the fitness industry for almost 20 years, so I’m super passionate about health!

I started in the industry, because I personally suffered from poor health for years & I want others to avoid the many mistakes I’ve made myself.

I feel soo blessed to specialise in a rare form of neuromuscular therapy, called NRT & am excited to share the long lasting results Neuro Reset Technique (NRT) gives people.

I use NRT coupled with nutrition, exercise, sleep, stress management & a focus on a persons whole overall wellbeing, to optimise their health.

I have worked globally & learnt from top specialists & scientists, bringing together these passions and transforming lives!

**diclaimer results very for every client based on their own personal assessment and input.

Click the link below to watch a powerful interview I had with Professor Bart Kay and NRT Inventor - Simon Frost, discussing how NRT is unique and helps soo many people.

If you are ready to dive in and want to know more, please swipe across to read about NRT and see how this technique can change your life.

Then you will be able to book a free 10 min discovery call or book a consultation with me at the bottom of the next page.

I look forward to meeting you! and achieving rapid long lasting results together.

NRT Interview with Prof. Bart Kay & NRT Founder Simon Frost

Neuro Reset Technique (NRT)

All about NRT

What is NRT?

NRT is the first therapy of its kind, working with the brain and nervous system to instantly and lastingly improve muscle function.

NRT optimizes motor control restoring lost function, posture, strength, flexibility and resilience. NRT offers the potential to be your best physical you, with anti aging effects.

Why NRT? the science behind the protocol and more below.

Alternatively, scroll down at any time to click the link and watch a powerful 30 min video I recorded with the incredible scientist Bart Kay on my work with NRT and as a bonus, also how I fuel my body for optimum energy, nutrient density and healing.

Why NRT vs. Traditional Physical Therapies?

Traditional physical therapies work on releasing the joints, muscles and fascia.

This is then often combined with strengthening exercises for the aim of improving strength and flexibility.

These approaches offer short term relief from tightness and require ongoing stretching manipulation and massage to maintain their results.

In addition, the exercises strengthen the muscles that already work well. This builds compensation around the muscles you can’t recruit, still leaving you vulnerable with poor function.

NRT is different, it focuses on the weakness in the brain and nervous system and not the body. This weakness, known as sensorineural weakness, is the reason why you can’t recruit certain muscles.

It is the brain and nervous system that causes tissue tightness and this tightness is a compensation for poorly functioning muscles and not the cause of the problem.

So imagine, if we could instantly increase the recruitment of your muscles at a subconscious level. Well that’s exactly what NRT does. Instant, lasting strength and flexibility gains with every session.

If you think about it, the purpose of a muscle is to contract or relax as part of a coordinated system for movement, posture, and strength. The skeleton and its joints are the framework, but it’s the muscles that make you move and your muscles are controlled by your brain and nervous system!

The science

NRT is a collection of Neuro based techniques and a robust treatment protocol that offers groundbreaking results in improving human movement control.

NRT improves muscle function via the brain and nervous system. Practitioners improve joint mobility and restore muscle recruitment

The brain sends electrochemical signals to the muscles via motor nerves, and this is how we initiate the contraction of our muscle. Sensors called receptors within our muscles, joints, fascia and skin, send electrochemical signals back to the brain via the sensory nerves.

This neural feedback provides the brain with the current status of the muscles and body.

Through factors such as injury, overuse, underuse and developmental impairment, the electrochemical signals between the body's receptors and the brain are weakened/underdeveloped, causing individuals to suffer from symptoms of poor muscle function. muscle tightness, weakness reduced mobility and pain.

NRT provides practitioners with the assessment tools and treatment protocols to restore sensorineural weakness.

NRT enables us to instantly and lasting improve muscle function of clients, by strengthening the sensory pathways between the body receptors and the brain.

NRT focuses the brain to bias weak sensory pathways. Then through a reset protocol reinstates muscular control over the weak area.

NRT offers results that would take years to achieve by other means and in many cases would otherwise be unattainable.

Book a discovery call