Join the Launch Community

An Invitation for You

What is the Launch Community?

Welcome to what we like to call unlikely community. At the Launch Community, we bring together people with a range of passions, interests, and experiences to practice and develop a community of support, mutuality, and accountability.

The Launch Community may be for you if you:

🚀 have been looking for a push in your pursuit of a goal or project

🫂 are craving uplifting and accountable friendships

🎨 get excited by the idea of doing things differently and trying new things

We call ourselves an "unlikely community" because we come together intentionally even when we don't have any obvious similarities. Often, communities are built around shared interests, backgrounds, or experiences.

Our community is built on practice, in the sense that we're each developing the skills to cultivate belonging with others - with no training wheels.

Our gatherings are no-commitment, so if it ends up not being your vibe, then you will have at least made some new friends for the day.

In our first experiment of the Launch Community, we held fortnightly gatherings for 3 months with a group of 12 amazing people.

We're now opening back up to new members! We'll meet twice a month with one gathering welcoming new and old members and one gathering building our existing community. We meet at a number of central Auckland locations and aim to choose highly accessible locations for public transit, biking, and driving.

I’m your convenor/ facilitator (Erin here 👋🏻)! Feel free to message or email me if you have any questions (@erinthomas6740,

If the upcoming dates don’t work for you, follow us on Instagram and/ or sign up for the email newsletter to be the first to know about new events!


The Launch Hub is space for building collaborative partnerships to drive change. We understand the transformative power of strong, connected communities and the disruptive potential of ideas that emerge within them.

At our core, we’re a network of consultants with a variety of skills including facilitation, training, research, curriculum development, monitoring, evaluation, and learning. Each of our members draws on their experiences from the public and private sector as well as extensive learning at the community level. Our diversity of skills and experience is tied together in how we cultivate community & belonging, emergence, heart, and use it all to embolden change makers to disrupt the status quo.

Stay in touch