Welcome to My Comfy & Cozy Crocheted Web Crochet|Sewing|Upcycling|Herbalism
The Little Widow Spider
Hello! TJ here! I am a Cubanita who loves Crocheting, Chemistry, Cats, Sustainability & Gardening!...
-I have two Cats, Arigato & Rory…
-I am happiest when surrounded by nature, My bf Joey & FIBER OF COURSE!
I started The Little Widow Spider in 2012 when I was 25 years old. I chose the name as as a tribute to my late husband, Ray, {who passed away in January of 2012} & the nickname my in-laws gave me...
I take my crochet hooks & yarn with me everywhere & crochet anywhere & everywhere... SO my in-laws named me La Arañita 🕷️, which translates from Spanish to "Little Spider". And when my husband passed away, I added the Widow.
...I made a label that is attached to extreme sadness into the creative extension of myself...
I hope to show others who have anxiety/depression/PTSD, widow or not, that you can harness that grief and sadness & "Create Art from your Broken Heart"
... Also that you aren't going through this pain alone.
Support surrounds you EVERYWHERE! In the form of friends, family, & our fiber community.
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