The Accursed God
The Lost Epic Series.
An Amazon #1 bestseller epic bestseller based on Mahabharata, the greatest epic of all time.
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An Amazon #1 bestseller epic bestseller based on Mahabharata, the greatest epic of all time.
For more details about the book, series, and the author, swipe ➡️
The story of the epic battle of Kurukshetra has been told and retold for ages. Millennia of dust, fables, imaginations — and the epic itself is lost. What remained is the story of a family feud and ambition of Kauravas and Pandavas. But why, then, was this an epic war? Why entire Aryavart plunged into this first real world-war? Why the echo of this ancient war still resonates after all those centuries? Rediscover the lost epic whose origin lies in the birth of the Kurukshetra that had tasted its first blood over a hundred years before the final Mahabharata war. Discover the complete saga of Mahabharata which goes far and beyond just Kauravas and Pandavas and their ambitions.
Long before the epic battle, long before even the birth of Kurukshetra, a man swore on his father’s pyre to avenge against the mightiest empire, any civilization had ever seen. Between his might and near-certain destruction of the Empire, stood a warrior, who rose like a phoenix from the ashes of his seven dead brothers — taking the mantle of a fabled Accursed God. In the clash that followed, Aryavart heard several more oaths by the side of more burning pyres, until, a young king decided that no price is too high for peace. Little did he know that the price would be a war engulfing the entire Aryavart, where few would live to tell the tale. And only one man can delay the inevitable if not prevent it. He is the accursed God and even he doesn’t know that destiny is like a quicksand, the more he tries to prevent it, the faster Aryavart moves towards the ultimate catastrophe. Discover the saga of a man’s journey to that of a legendary and universally hated Accursed God, the saga of the ruthless ambitions and unfulfilled loves, endless deceits and vengeful oaths, and the saga of the battles to prevent the ultimate war.
Armed with over three decades of research on the authentic epic texts and a firm conviction rooted in ancient epic tradition, Vivek penned down this epic as a tribute to the glorified ancient epic.
Appealed by recent narrative's and their blatant attempt to mock and ridicule the glorious culture of ancient India, Vivek via his fiction hopes to emphasize on deeper essense of the epic by reading into the silences.
Vivek is also tirelessly workings on weeding out fake narratives that attacking on the core spirit of the epic.
Checkout more details about Vivek on these links
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