Go to on google and in the search bar type in, "love" click the first one, then click download, next click "open" and then its on the app "vont" for you to use!
Colourtone and Prequel
Go to the app "Colourtone" select "Video" at the top choose your video at the top go to the section "Brooklyn Kelly" choose "Azur" set sharpen: 1.00
set saturation: 39.14 set lightness: -42.37 export it. Go into "Prequel" click the plus choose the video you just edited, go to "adjust" Shadows: -100 Highlights: -100, go to "effects" put on the effect "Dust" put it to 100, Export and done!
Charli D'Amelio
About my idol
My idols full name is "Charli Grace D'Amelio" she has a sister Dixie, her father Marc, and her mother Hedi. Dixie is mostly known for writing music one of her biggest hits "Be Happy" Published in 2020. Charli has been dancing since she was only 3 years old, she was so nervous to post dancing on "TikTok" her friends encourged her! Charli has the most followers on tiktok holding over 100million followers, she has lots of fans called "dunkins" she is doing very well for a 16 year old! She has lots more of life ahead of her we are very excited to see what she acomplishes next!