The Plantish Life

Life is a jungle, explore!

I jumped into self care head first off a cliff when my high risk prenatal care doctor told me my daughter and I could both die at 21 weeks pregnant. It's not that I never thought I could die since I'd been in a Max adema Coma in high school and spent more days in hospitals since I was 3 than I did in school. It's that my health directly affected another being and if doctors could not help me any more, I had to take everything on to be healthy for her.

I overhauled my diet into #plantbased and anti inflammatory. I rely on holistic health options and nontoxic living. I studied yoga for mind, body and spirit until I graduated one of the toughest YTTs out there. I digest books like I consume fresh smoothies, quickly and fully. My endless quest of knowledge has taught me to explore every angle and aspect of life, which led me to 3 degrees in psychology, sociology and criminal justice. I take to creative art hobbies to stimulate and exercise my brain and nurture an indoor garden of over 150 plants to nurture my soul.

And my journey's just begun.

My YouTube channel

My Channel is under construction but I'll get some fun videos up soon!

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Video Title

Never Give Up

The point of life is simple.. to enjoy it!