Books Over Bars

I’d rather read chapters than take shots.

Here are a few of my favorite reads. ✨

The Bible


Nothing Beats Gatsby!

War. Glamour. Mental Health. Entitlement. Luxury. Ego. Vintage. Old fashion values. Sex. Love. Gatsby covers it all. This is the definition of an American classic that should be read by everyone. I, personally, have flipped the pages raw. My all-time favorite book to get lost into.

*****Half-Way Through!*****

I started reading this book a day ago and am already halfway finished! This book is very #bodypositive and empowering. I’m 110% here for it. Stay tuned >>>

Unsuspecting Thriller.

Although I was disappointed in how the character development of one character imploded (in a terribly pleasing way), I was overall pretty satisfied with the flow and resolution of this modernly mysterious book. What’s even more terrifying is that it is super realistic. Yikes!

Twist After Twist!

I’m a sucker for a 180° plot twist at the end of a book. What’s so enticing about it is that you HAVE to read the entire book and really soak up every tiny detail in order to be w r e c k e d by a switch up. That’s what this book did for me. Page after page kept leading to jaw-dropping “what the ****” moments. 11 out of 10 recommend.

What. An. Ending.

From the very beginning, you think you have an idea of what the ending will be. Then BAM! You think you’ve pegged someone..and they flip the script on ya and it’s over. Read this twice!

Unconventional Take On Mythology.

We are so used to reading & hearing about the drop dead gorgeous, flawless, daughters of the Gods themselves with features envied by all - but what about the daughters of Gods who are a realistic representation of beauty? Well, Circe takes that idea by the horns. I’d rather be a Circe than an Aphrodite, any day.

Pleasantly Surprised By The Emotional Depth

This was definitely your typical romance novel with a modern twinge to it. BUT, I will say that as much as it makes you roll your eyes with “this would never happen in real life,” it also has you hoping it WOULD you.

Poems With Passion

Two words: Rupi Kaur. She changed the game of poetry publications. Her emotional and uninhibited proclamations left me relating to her on such another level, due to so few words.

Mystery Meets Afterlife!

You can’t help but feel a gravitational pull to the characters and story line. If you like murder mysteries & supernatural themes, this book is right up your alley!

Timeless Heart-Wrencher!

I cry every damn time I read this gosh-forsaken book. It’s one of the very VERY few instances where I can’t decide whether I like the movie or book more. Typically, I always side with books. But, goodness. This takes the word “classic” to a whole new level of appreciation.

Say It Again.

There is beauty in the weight of words.

Quotes that I’ve never forgotten.

Downton Abbey

“The heart does not exist solely for the purpose of pumping blood.”

The Great Gatsby

“I hope she'll be a fool—that's the best thing a girl can be in this world, a beautiful little fool.”


“You know the Greeks didn't write obituaries. They only asked one question after a man died: ‘Did he have passion?’”

“Life is not merely a series of meaningless accidents or coincidences. But rather, it’s a tapestry of events that culminate in an exquisite, sublime plan.”

Agatha Christie

“Good advice is always certain to be ignored, but that’s no reason not to give it.”

“The truth, however ugly in itself, is always curious and beautiful to seekers after it.”

“Fear is incomplete knowledge.”