I'm so glad you're here ❤

I've always said that I feel MY best when I'm helping others feel THEIR best! I wanted that to be my job! I remember thinking to myself, 'Should I be a life coach? A motivational speaker? How can I help people get healthy while speaking positivity and encouragement into their lives?'

For years, I looked into different ways I could make that happen. Nothing panned out. The timing wasn't right.

Fast forward to today, where I get to wake up each and every morning knowing I'm doing what I love. I'm never looking back ❤ Let me show you what thriving, not just surviving, looks like!

A Little Bit About Me

'In a gentle way, you can shake the world'- Gandhi

Hi! I'm Stephanie Borges. I'm a work from home mama, wife of a pilot, a little bit hippie mixed with a little hip hop. I'm a painter, baker, chaos coordinator and THRIVER 🙌🏻

If you're here, it's most likely because you're ready for a change. You're burned out, tired, can't think clearly, addicted to caffeine, moody, not sleeping well at night, trying to lose weight etc. Does that sound right?

That was me. All of it. Then I was introduced to a little something called the 3 Step Thrive Experience by Le-Vel. GAME CHANGER! I'm healthier than I've ever been. Happier. I've got more patience, mental clarity and energy. I sleep better than I have in the last 15 years. I've healed up my gut and have successfully lost over 20lbs.

Are you ready to dive in? Ready to take charge of your health and wellness? Let's get you feeling amazing and living your best life ❤