Hi, honey!
Empowerment Transparency Sustainability
I know– no one likes a pop quiz. (Cue flashbacks from nursing school.) But in all seriousness I have something important to ask you.
What are you seeking in this beautiful sh*t show that we call life?
A. strengthening the connection to your deepest self & changing your mindset
B. improving your physical health (fitness/healthy eating habits)
C. a skincare routine to slow down signs of aging or preventing breakouts
E. prosperity in a community where you will learn to lead and grow a team of your own
D. all of the above
Good news! You passed! There are no wrong answers here.
I have been trekking through this healthy living journey for the past few years in an attempt to ameliorate my health in all areas of life– mentally, physically and spiritually. My journey isn’t perfect, but the great news is I have learned a lot along the way that I can share with you!
If your life is flawless and beautiful with no room for improvement, then maybe this isn’t for you. However, if you’re like me in the sense that you are continually looking for ways to improve your quality of life, then welcome!
I’ll share a few things about me…
My name is Paige and I’m a twenty-something year old wife of an active duty Airman. I’m a RN at a substance abuse treatment center. I have no kids. I hate cooking. I’m always looking for the silver lining. I want to leave others better than I found them. I’ve been described as “the most amazing kind of weird.” I will never decline an invitation to brunch. I strive to be the best version of me for myself and others.
If we have anything in common, let’s chat. I will lock arms with you, and we can dive into your wellness journey together.
“If you’re searching for that one person that will change your life, take a look in the mirror.” -author unknown