Trilogy In Motion, is an educational initiative and organization founded by Amber Spann and her three sons Tory, Chauncy, and Aubrey.
Trilogy In Motion, seeks to be an uplifting creative space consisting of personal stories, family resources, mentorship opportunities and hands on learning.
We provide parental tools for navigating educational and community resources required to succeed.
We are committed to closing the opportunity gap!
Visit our website to learn more!
Trilogy In Motion
We have a YouTube Channel!
We are on a mission to help close the opportunity gap! We do book reviews, experiments, educational product reviews and discuss ways to close the opportunity gap in education and other areas of life!
The First Order Star Destroyer speedbuild & review
Pluto, the dwarf planets, and Sedna
How to make a fancy Vanilla Milkshake
Mentos and Soda Experiment
Harvesting Short & Sweet Carrots 🥕
Book Review: What Do You Do With An Idea?
Book Review: Danny Dollar Millionaire
Live Garden Walkthrough
Check out these downloadables from our Digital Shop! —
Free Resources!!!
We aim to make it as easy as possible for you and your family to explore, learn, and create together; so we are continually coming up with ways to support our community with tools for navigating a life of intentional progress.
Guide to Easy to Grow Seeds
This 7-page printable guide includes basic information about easy yo grow seeds that you can start from home. Included are two pages with large gridding to be used to help you plan your garden.
Download hereA Month Full of Family Fun Calendar Template
This PDF includes an example schedule for a full month of at-home free to low-cost family activities. The second sheet has a motivational quote and a blank calendar grid dated July 2020 and a third nondated sheet that can be used for any month. This set is not for resale and is for personal use only.
Download hereSmart Goals Flow Chart
Download this Smart Goals flow chart to help you set better goals for yourself, your kids, your classroom, or whatever ...
Download hereLinks
Check out these special links!
These are some articles we’ve talked about.