I chose my future career path only three years ago on the eve of a very life changing event in my life. This event began my adaptation and transformation aided by my mentor and close family relative who recently passed. I was able to see this event through and take a strategic step that would define and refine my future from that point.
I’ve been labeled an Under World figure with connections to organised crime. The labels even went as far as to say that I was a mafia affiliate. This profile preceded my person in everything that I attempted to do or done starting from the early 1980’s.
Being labeled with an added profile of a violent abuser and offender, a criminal, a con artist had its affects on me however, with the presence and strength of confidence, commitment and truth, I was able to contain my feelings and thinking, constantly directing and channeling them in a more positive way that kept me to my path.
Mine is a Story of endurance, love, strength, loyalty, and personal happiness. My story is about fortune and misfortune at the same time. It is about making a difference and believing in one’s own contribution to that difference. Finally it is about my life and how I would eventually exact my right of free agency and the necessary corrections needed to the people who most need it and were never held accountable for their actions across my life.
A defining period in my life was the 14 years I spent in Royal service as Chamberlain and Master of that Royal Household. This role automatically came with governance and management responsibility in the capacity of CEO of the organisation custom designed and built for the monarch.
It ended in me taking responsibility for a series of financial transactions that were necessary and right for the circumstances but we’re not entirely correct and legal.
I was later asked if I had any regrets surrounding this event. To this day, I am proud of my service, confident in my ability and capacity, strong in my commitment and loyalty and I definitely have no regrets for both the good things and the not so good things that were done during my service to the monarch, his family, his subjects and importantly, in my life.
My subsequent biography that covers in detail the period of this time in my life, took 4 years to write and will be published on the death of the monarch or my own, whichever happens first.
This history and the profile that society has of me will be corrected in a way that will never be seen or known to the general public. The few individuals responsible will be held to account and to make reparations for their own greed and dishonesty.