About Us

Centered on Kids, Driven by Purpose

We are a nonpartisan community coalition of parents, educators, and community members. We are here to support that students come first in Mansfield ISD and are committed to prioritizing children and educators over divisive policies.


Content of this website not approved by any candidate or candidate committee. United for MISD is not affiliated with or authorized by Mansfield ISD. Texas Bipartisan Alliance is the 501c4 sponsor of United for MISD.


Mission, Vision, & Core Values


Our mission is to establish a unified and nonpartisan community coalition dedicated to educating the citizens of Mansfield about the importance of local elections, the duties of the school board, and voting opportunities with the intention of increasing local community turnout at local elections.


Assist the MISD staff and school board to ensure students are life, career and college ready by promoting educational excellence, inclusion, and community involvement, while drawing awareness to potentially harmful and divisive rhetoric, policy propositions, and exterior influences that do not serve the entirety of the Mansfield community.

Core Values

1. Unite a community coalition to support Mansfield ISD, especially its students and educators.

2. Support our community by promoting that MISD meets the needs of every student in the district through the support of decision-making bodies focused on rigorous programs of study, college readiness assessments, educational and community innovation, and inclusive policies and procedures.

3. Promote and support educators and district staff who strive every day to make Mansfield ISD a great place to live, learn and teach.

4. Establish and cultivate community partnerships in order to advocate for ethical governance within MISD’s community and supervising bodies.


1. Educate the community on the importance of public education, the school board, and local elections, while engaging citizens to participate in voting for impactful community positions.

2. Support MISD students and empower educators in providing highly effective education through; inclusion, safe working conditions, integrity standards, community involvement, positive professional relationships, resiliency, and educational best practices to meet the needs of all students in MISD’s diverse and multicultural district.

3. Remain nonpartisan in order to ensure that all MISD students are put first in every district policy, activity, and program, while advocating that the district and its leaders avoid divisive political influence from outside sources while instituting district policy decisions.

4. Promote parental involvement, productive partnerships, and networking within the community in order to support Mansfield's educational and municipal mission, vision and values to promote Mansfield as a destination district committed to excellence.

Content of this website not approved by any candidate or candidate committee. United for MISD is not affiliated with or authorized by Mansfield ISD. Texas Bipartisan Alliance is the 501c4 sponsor of United for MISD.

Texas Bipartisan Alliance

Join Us for an Unforgettable Celebration! —

United for MISD Launch Party

Date: September 24, 2023
Time: 1:00 PM - 3:00 PM
Location: Clayton W Chandler Park, 1530 N. Walnut Creek Drive, Mansfield

Mansfield, TX - The excitement is building, and the moment you didn’t know you’ve been waiting for is finally here! United for MISD, the nonpartisan community coalition dedicated to empowering the Mansfield Independent School District (MISD) community, invites you to an extraordinary launch party that promises an afternoon of inspiration, unity, and community spirit.

Event Highlights:
1. Unite for Change: Come together with fellow community members and supporters who share a deep commitment to the future of MISD. This is your chance to meet and connect with like-minded individuals who are passionate about the education and well-being of Mansfield's students.

2. Visionary Insights: Gain valuable insights into the mission and objectives of United for MISD. Discover how this coalition plans to strengthen public education in MISD, support educators, and promote ethical governance within the district.

3. Register to Vote: If you are not already registered to vote, you will have the opportunity to do so at the event! Creating change starts here in our community and city. Learn about the importance of voting in local elections. Your vote matters!

4. Community Engagement: Learn about the numerous ways you can get involved, from volunteering to becoming a key contributor to United for MISD's success. Your support can help shape the educational future of Mansfield.

5. BBQ Delights: Indulge in mouthwatering, home-cooked barbecue delights while mingling with fellow community members. Our barbecue spread is sure to satisfy your taste buds and make this event even more enjoyable.

6. Unity in Action: Witness the official launch of United for MISD and be a part of history in the making. This coalition's dedication to shaping the future of MISD is something you won't want to miss.

Event Details:

Date: September 24, 2023
Time: 1:00 PM - 3:00 PM
Location: Clayton W Chandler Park, 1530 N. Walnut Creek Drive, Mansfield

RSVP: This event is open to the entire community, and everyone is welcome! There's no need to RSVP; just bring your enthusiasm and a passion for Mansfield's future.

United for MISD is ready to embark on a journey of positive change, and it all begins at this remarkable launch party. Join us in Chandler Park on September 24th, from 1:00 PM to 3:00 PM, and help us shape the future of Mansfield ISD. Together, we can make a difference in the lives of our students, educators, and community.

For more information about United for MISD and the launch party, please visit our facebook page at www.facebook.com/unitedformisd, our website at https://msha.ke/unitedformisd/ or contact us at unitedformisd@gmail.com.

Let's unite, celebrate, and work together for a brighter future in MISD! We look forward to seeing you there.

Facebook Event Invite