Mistress Goddess
Say your prayers my pet
Mistress Goddess is an enigmatic deity.
A golden complexion Goddess incarnate of many names and many faces akin to Yemaya, Kali Ma and Hecate; The embodiment of divine femininity. Goddess is a strict ruler over the mind, body and soul of her worshipers; Gracious with blessings when pleased and as fiercely sadistic as one deserves.
She is a true Goddess whom demands devotion.
She has a passion for knowledge and strength.
Prove yourself useful by offering her your skills.
Honor Mistress Goddess with your faith by sending tribute and building an alter with crystals, a healthy plant, white candles and fresh water.
Bend before your divine Goddess’ alter in submission religiously to pray protection and prosperity upon her, to sing her praises and beg for her favor.