Victoria “Natural born CONNECTOR”

Hey y’all, my name is Victoria born and raised in North Carolina.

I’m a mom to the best little boy on the planet Jackson he is my WHY that drives me each day.

I’m on a mission to enhance our daily lives by helping business owners to scale their businesses online. I believe in my skills, abilities and professionalism to do so. We don’t struggle by any means but, I do believe in multiple streams of income especially in the world we live in today.

I’m a Christian and believe in Jesus Christ as my personal savior. I believe that’s important to share with you all - as it’s a core belief that I am not ashamed of and with our time together I will reference Jesus and give you a good God download as He directs me to do so.

I’m specific who I partner with as any business owner should be, our core values must align on some capacity or I will lead you elsewhere for your marketing needs. This is my business and I have to protect it and I won’t get into any unprofessional discussions.

A little about myself, I am a total social media, marketing and sales hype girl. I have always known that there is power in social media influence and that it goes deeper than just apps that we download on our phones, it’s a form of creativity and a way that we can connect with ourselves as well as others. Let’s break this down a little deeper, shall we?!

My Commitment To You

A Timeline of Generations

A Breakdown

Social media has been known to have various responses from different generations:

• Millennials born 1977-1995
• Generation x born 1965-1976
• Boomers born 1946-1964

As you can see there is a wide diverse of ages represented here and if you were to ask each of these categories how they feel about social media and it’s influence on the world to collect your own data there is no telling what responses you’d get.

Personally, just being amongst conversations and having my own conversations each category has their own opinions and emotions towards social media based on their experience.

That is why I am so passionate about trying to make it a more positive view and present my point on how WE are ultimately in control of our responses, what we post on social media and how much we let it consume our minds, thoughts and emotions.

My Social Media Footprint

I’ve been on quite a journey for almost 5 years now, where I am on a mission to better social media and help others leave their social media footprint.

I am a marketing strategist, live video strategist and a freelance content creator I help those in business to first create their social media footprint I encourage you to dig deeper into whatever it is you are doing and find the true existing WHY behind what you are doing.

I help you to narrow in on who it is that you serve and why.
I help you to begin creating content focused on that ideal client and start really shaping your voice and live out loud..

So many of us are walking around on egg shells that honestly, should’ve been crushed years ago..

You can’t live your life based on others perceptions of you, opinions of how you should be living your life and spending your time - this is YOUR journey.

This is YOUR LIFE..
Live & breathe how you choose to do it.

Opinions are like belly buttons - we all have one.
I would rather have 4 quarters, than 100 pennies meaning I would rather have 4 really good friends than 100 fake ones.

Like Batman & Robin

I’m here to be your right arm woman, I will walk along side you and help you to PUSH out this vision & dream in your heart.

I am a firm believer that there are many graves that hold millionaire dreams that should’ve been pursued but, they didn’t have a Victoria hype girl on their team or by their side to help them PUSH this vision out.

When you bring me on your team I can guarantee you my time, my ideas & insight as well as my commitment to help you plant seeds that one day my friend hopefully in our near future will bring you the harvest you’ve been wanting in your business.

I have many social media hacks that are tried and true guaranteed to stick. I have wisdom on social media, marketing and sales that I have spent many years of my life peeling back one layer at a time that will serve our time together and make it well spent.

I don’t blow smoke, I give my commitment.

Let’s work together my friend.