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Cristal Ruiz

Anaheim City Council District 5

First generation Anaheim native, Cristal Ruiz, is running for Anaheim City Council, District 5.

Cristal moved to Anaheim at the age of four, with her Mexican-American family. She has been a resident of the district for 25 years.

She became an Anaheim Police Explorer while at Valencia high school, where she served the community of Anaheim through volunteering, experiencing ride-alongs and becoming part of the Explorer Academy.

She began working at Disneyland in 2007 in Outdoor Vending. During the 17 years as a cast member, she has grown to now support workforce management.

She got more involved with her union Workers United Local 50 in April and ran with the We Take a Stand for Change slate and won. As of September 5th, she will sit on the executive board representing Outdoor Vending.

In 2013, she became a first-time mom while in college, which pushed her to balance motherhood, work, and school in tandem. She has been a member of several parent groups within the county, meeting other parents and children to promote social and developmental experiences.

She graduated in 2015 with a Bachelor's Degree in Broadcast Journalism and Sociology from Cal State Fullerton.

She holds certifications in Marketing, Nutrition, and Integrative Attachment Theory, which help her support her community.

Cristal is raising her son’s in Anaheim and wants to bring the same supportive environment she grew up with to residents, businesses and generations to come.

As a candidate for the city of Anaheim, she brings unique expertise and is committed to listen and learn from you, as well as community partners.

We ask for your support, as we continue to build and uplift this beautiful city we love and live in.


Public Safety:

Addressing Firefighter Shortage

Ensuring the safety and well-being of Anaheim residents is a top priority. By addressing the firefighter shortage, we can reduce response times and enhance emergency services. Our plan includes recruiting and retaining skilled personnel, investing in their training, and creating clear pathways for career growth within the department. This will not only strengthen our fire services but also provide our first responders with the support they need to protect our community effectively.


Addressing the Housing Shortage

Anaheim faces a critical housing shortage, and it's time to take decisive action. We will work to expand housing options across the city, focusing on affordable and accessible solutions for all residents. This includes streamlining the approval process for new developments, encouraging mixed-use projects, and leveraging public-private partnerships to increase the availability of affordable units. Our goal is to create a more inclusive city where everyone has the opportunity to find a safe and affordable place to call home.

Community Engagement:

Keeping you informed

Residents deserve to know how their tax dollars are being spent. We are committed to enhancing community engagement and transparency by providing regular updates on city projects and expenditures. Through public forums, digital platforms, and community meetings, we will keep residents informed and involved in the decision-making process. Our aim is to build trust and ensure that every dollar is used effectively to improve the quality of life in Anaheim.

Cristal Ruiz Español

El Consejo de Anaheim Distrito 5

Cristal se mudó an Anaheim a la edad de cuatro años, con su familia Mexicana-Americana. Ella ha sido residente del distrito durante 25 años.

Fué a las escuelas de Rio Vista, Kraemer y Valencia. Se convirtió en exploradora de la policía de Anaheim mientras estaba en la escuela secundaria de Valencia, donde sirvió a la comunidad de Anaheim, experimentando paseos y convirtiéndose en parte de la Academia de Exploradores.

Comenzó a trabajar en Disneyland en 2007. Durante los 17 años, ha crecido hasta ahora apoyar la gestión de la fuerza laboral.

Se involucró más con su sindicato Workers United Local 50 en abril y se postuló con la lista de We Take a Stand for Change y ganó. A partir del 5 de septiembre, formará parte de la junta ejecutiva representando a Outdoor Vending.

En 2013, se convirtió en madre primeriza mientras estaba en la universidad, lo que la empujó a equilibrar la maternidad, el trabajo y la escuela en conjunto. Ha sido miembro de varios grupos de padres dentro del condado, reuniéndose con otros padres y niños para promover experiencias sociales y de desarrollo.

Se graduó en 2015 con una licenciatura en Periodismo de Radiodifusión y Sociología de Cal State Fullerton.

Tiene certificaciones en Marketing, Nutrición y Teoría del Apego Integrativo, que la ayudan a apoyar a su comunidad.

Cristal está criando a su hijos en Anaheim y quiere llevar el mismo entorno de apoyo con el que creció a los residentes, negocios y generaciones venideras.

Como candidata a la ciudad de Anaheim, aporta una experiencia única y se compromete a escuchar y aprender de usted, así como de los socios de la comunidad.

Le pedimos su apoyo, mientras continuamos construyendo y elevando esta hermosa ciudad que amamos y en la que vivimos.