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We are rebuilding altars of prayer. Sign up to join Ascend Prayers


Step By Step

As we get ready to gather together in prayer, here are ways you can prepare your personal altar of prayer.


Set A Time

You don’t want to set yourself up for failure, so set a time that works for you. If you’re a morning person, set a morning hour. If you’re an evening person, set an evening time. The goal is to be consistent.


Start with Worship

Worship is very important to help set your atmosphere. Worship is an aroma that invites the manifest presence of God.


Let the Holy Spirit Lead

You may not always know what to say in prayer, but the important thing is to honor your time set. Go to your place of prayer at the time you set with God and sit with His presence. As you stay with God’s presence in worship, He will direct your prayer and bible study


A Global Community of Presence Seekers

The Waiting Room is a space created to call you into a wholistic prayer experience that will help you foster an atmosphere of intimacy with God. A place to wait on God in his perfect stillness. In October of 2023, I woke up out of bed one night when I suddenly began praying in tongues. I then heard the spirit of the Lord say to me “gather all my people and bring them into the waiting room.” In obedience to this instruction, the waiting room was birthed. If you are reading this, it is by no mistake.

Are you at a place in life where you desire to go deeper in God? Is your prayer life stagnant? Have you lost the spark you once had for God? If so, I pray that you will join us to give yourself the room to encounter the true experience of what it means to the promise of trusting and waiting on God. As you come into the Waiting Room, may you enter with a mind that is set on God and with a heart that is rested in God.

May you come before God and may He meet you with open arms.

See you in The Waiting Room!

Yours truly,
Chief Roommate, Ruth Seal


“But they that WAIT upon the Lord shall renew their strength; they shall mount up with wings as eagles; they shall run, and not be weary; and they shall walk, and not faint.”
Isaiah 40:31


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