All of my favorites and most of these links will give you a discount by using them! ❤️
- Book A Session with me
- Amazing Protein Powder Code Alee
- Jesus Art
- Early Bird Drink (Code ALEE10)
- Lumebox red light Code- whitewoodfarmhouse
- LIQUID IV 20% OFF & Free shipping
- Beddys 20% off code Aleesha
- Perk Energy Code Alee
- Favorite MIXER and GRAIN MILL for baking. Discount Code-Alee
- Alani 10% off
- BIORAY Health made easy Code- (Alee10)
- Favorite Candles Code WHITEWOOD20
- Everlywell health screening 15% off link
- Kid Smart Phone Code Alee
- Seed (Great probiotics for antibiotic recovery.)
- Best Freeze Dryer
- Nugget Ice Machine 🤍
- Amazing Water Purifier
- Natural Health Supplies We love
- Healthy delicious salt
- Heavy Metal Detox+
- Favorite outdoor cameras (We love the Solar and flood light)
- Picasso tiles & more CODE AFF20%OFF
- Ionic Foot Detox Code- WHITEWOOD5
- Fav Cookware Discount
- Solostove
- AirDoctor Discount
- Walli Phone Case Code Alee10
- Grounding mat
- Grounding bedsheet