Welcome to Whole & Well Co
My name is Rachel Borntrager. I am passionate about obesity not only because the rate of obesity has tripled in the last generation; But more precisely, because I was an obese and dyslexic child and I certainly didn't have much confidence. I know exactly what that feels like and the rate of obesity has only gotten worse in our society and this has become a 'huge and growing problem'. Even though it is common, obesity is not benign. It leads to diabetes, heart disease, arthritis, and even cancer...and yet it is entirely preventable...and I am on a mission to prevent that.
Following my own 70 lb weight loss, I looked into how I could help others. I became a National Board-Certified Holistic Health Coach and I walk people through an incredible experience to transformative healthy and sustainable weight loss. Specifically, I help busy women get a healthy gut, shes inflammation so they have the energy to live a full life.
Take a look at the links below & let me know how I can serve you through the DMs or at wholeandwellco@gmail.com ATTN Dr Rachel.
Bell well,
Rachel B- The Gutzy Health Coach